Hi all! Ok a little more about myself, I'm from Singapore and have been playing blizzard games all my life, well except for World of Warcraft. I immediately fell in love with Starcraft when I was still a young naive child. Not a fan of Terran though. I find the political strive between the Terran factions/dominion to be a never ending turmoil. Sadly, Jim Raynor is caught in between everything. My love has always been with the 2 creations of the Xel Naga - the Protoss and the Zerg, more of the latter though . I still remember getting shuttle-reaver/dark templar drops in Starcraft. Most of the time I would be doing lurker drops and doing expansion raids with mutalisks. Those were the days. Just watching Starcraft match ups on Youtube between those great South Korean gamers brought back fond memories of how Starcraft was and still is a great game to this day. In all honesty I can't wait for the game to be released and posting in this forum relieves some of the tension built up over the past decade. C'mon Blizzard You Can Do It!!!
Howdy and enjoy your time at the forums. I'd say more but currently it is 4 in the morning and I feel like a zombie.
Oh great, to add to both Protoss and Zerg fans here, he uses both. Terran pride aside, welcome to the forums! Just... be prepared for Space Junk weird stuff or Lounge serious business talk.
Wow, I guess only high ranking forumers reply back to us newbies haha . Thanks for the warm welcome !!! Oh yes I think it would be good to share what Lobsterlegs asked me - I hope you don't mind Lobsterlegs :jimlad:. Yes, I have watched the 2 Battle Reports from Blizzard and I hope to see more Zerg developments in the weeks to come or months to come because Blizzard being Blizzard they would not release Starcraft 2 untill it is done . Feel free to ask me anything and I'll gladly answer them .
He may not bite and twain, but what you really have t watch out for it when he goes on a licking spree. Long story, pray you don't find out.