Hi I'm a hacker

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by Jshep89, Oct 15, 2010.

Hi I'm a hacker

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by Jshep89, Oct 15, 2010.

  1. Jshep89

    Jshep89 New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    I'd like a chance to reintroduce my self because lately I think there have been some misconceptions about who I am and what I do. Some of you know me very well and others might have just heard about me on the news once or twice. Sure you may have seen my handy work while playing WoW, or when some script kiddie uses my programs to map hack. But thats not all I do.

    First off let me say that I'm not all bad. You see while I am the person who you hope never finds out you own a bank account. I'm also the person you want help protecting it. How do you know if I'm actually trying to be malicious or honest? Easy. Just look at my hat.

    The first hat you might notice is my white hat. Its the one I wear when i feel like lending a helpfull hand to the computer illiterate. You might see my Certified Ethical Hacker framed up on my office wall. So you can now know that I'm someone you will be able to trust with your computer. I'm that go to guy who gets those pesky viruses out of your computer. I'm also the one who tries to inform you if your network is in danger of being hacked. You might notice goofy outfits I'm wearing or the fact that I wear a timex not a rolex. You come to see me when you need a computer repair or if you need help learning the program. I'm also the one who helps keep your favorite web hosting server online. Do you like facebook, myspace, xbox live, itunes, or any other online programs? Well you can thank me for keeping their down time so low. Over all I'm a very nice person with my white hat on. You probably asked me to baby sit your kids for you once or twice. Now some might think that I'm harmless and can't defend my self. But you see thats where my other hat comes in.

    Now the other hat I wear is my blackhat. This is the hat I wear when i feel like being mean or making an extra buck or two. You might notice my handy work on your bank statements. Now some of you may think I'm just some nerd sitting in a basement. But in reality I could be anyone. You know that girl you saw walking past the security guard saying she forgot her wallet? That could be me. Ever notice a homeless guy going through your garbage? That could also be me. Remember that really nice assistant you gave your first and last name to over the phone? That could be me. You will notice my handy work all over the world. Some of you might know my lesser crimes of keylogging or adware sure. But have you seen me take down a hospitals network? Did you see that bank I just stole thousands of accounts from? What about that business that I destroyed? Ever ask your self if you played a part in that? If your computer is one of the thousands I'm using as a Remote Terminal or a bot then you can take pride in knowing that you helped stick it too the man. All at the price of your credit card number.

    So you see I'm not all bad. In general I would say I spend more time in the week helping people. Sure I might put one or two people in debt for life on a weekly basis. But thats not such a bad thing is it? Till next time I hope you have a very nice day.
  2. Supahboih

    Supahboih New Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    isn't this from a movie or something?
  3. Jshep89

    Jshep89 New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    Honestly I just wrote it off the top of my head. I don't know why. Guess I'm happy i got endorsed for a CISSP certification.
  4. FlamingNinja

    FlamingNinja Guest

    Congrats on ur certification!

    but u are a scary guy....
  5. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    You should revise that a few times then send it in to some sort of writing competition. I think you could win legitimately.