Hey people I'm ronin i'm from Greece and I'm kinda new at that type of forums.! I was reading some threads and I find them quite interesting so I joined the ship! I'm a starcraft lover since the beggining of starcraft universe.. though lately i'm beeing worried about blizzard's strategy for the so long waited arrival of starcraft 2. anyway I'll explain my worries in some other thread and possibly to battle.net forum directly.. EXCUSE MY BAD ENGLISH IF SO.
Welcome to teh forumz dont worryz i has worst english than you as yew can sea. LOL xD I am Megaman btw, nice to meet you.
my english is profound, you mindnumbing nincompoops anyways, i am Lenga/IJffdrie i am the disturbing guy/girl
Just a word of advice, (you should read the rules at some point in time [ie. now]) quoting the post above yours is bad protocol. *sets down Modchete of Meaness* Welcome, I am glad you found us interesting, I hope we continue to be interesting, though I am interested to know what type these forums are