Wow to charge the front lines huh? Nice I am excited just thinking about it! I am liking this site so far it's small and quiet but it's nice. Thanks guys. Even though only 2 people were my welcoming committee.
DOOD A MAGIC CARD *POINTS TO THE MAGIC CARD* OMG It's been such a long time since I dont play a good magic game D: I still have my cards XD What's the second card tho.. Yu-gi-ho? Gross
Whats up welcome to the forum. Anywase >.> Tyson with milk vs Cannon Fodder???? I put my money on Tyson.
'Lo Valarak. I just woke up ten minutes ago, can't think of anything but if you look around on the forums and see some of my posts I'm one of the guys just out for laughs.