Hey guys, new to the site and so far its pretty awesome Im a map maker and Im getting a lot of help from people that are on this site and its pretty wicked, ty guys! Lookin forward to meet sum pplz and trade trigger hints and all that jazz.
Fenix makes some very entertaining posts time from time. Welcome to the forums. Punch and pie on the left, awesome on the right.
And I'm still in the basement... long story. Also, iMaGiNe. is our best map-maker imo, and I can also give a hint/suggestion/trigger help here and there. Also also, The Arts/Fan Fiction = my favorite sections of the forum. USE THEM! RAWR! Lastly, Dune.
Yeah. im just basic i guess. My first completed RPG game actually works im pretty excited about that.
thanks. But where do i find most of thies things you guys speak of. Is it in the navigation somewhere at the top? I know where the chat is.
If you can't find space junk then consider yourself fortunate. It has the potential to claim your sanity