Just wanted to drop in and say why I havent been here for such a long time.... I have been using a lot of my time on chess and school, so thats why. I can see the site is running better then ever before, that makes me happy I also dont feel like posting when 3 to 4 people (including me) just are discussing the same problems over and over again. I will therefore probably first turn back when something really cool happens. See you
That's not a valid reason, get back in 'ere! School's starting for me so I need someone to substitute me.
Hey man good to hear ya. Same with me I have the same problem just its not chess. i was about to let go of this site and never come back =p But luckly Jon reminds me =D Schools started and its pretty hard in highschool.
Woot Hi!!! This Title Has Barely Anything To Do With What I Said Below! great! nice to see ya again! P.S PLEASE no more power down's[note:that's considered reputation down now THANKS! for not puuting my reputation Down] also,good luck on Chess!
I just threw a molotov cocktail into a blender going at full. But we'll hopefully see you around when some awesome update pops up.
There Karlo is Quoting away. Don't be doing that in the real sections or ima POWA U DOWN!!!! =] its fun. Drie I love you. On the smae page =]