Why are you refering to a piece of underwear? As for Meee, I dunno. A firend is nagging meee to play, but I think I don't really have the time for it. Also, there's a sale on old exps now
Meee. If you're interested, the new patch is hitting today. The Shattering. Basically the one that will ravage Azeroth for Cataclysm in December. And there was the patch way back that did all the class changes (talents, spells, etc.).
I was soooooo confused after all the class changes. I still can't find a list of the changes to mages. Cool kids are on Kirin'Tor or Korgath.
I think mages are relatively the same, each talent tree being about what it was. I think there's a higher damage potential for them though, brought in by the changes. And yeah all the zones from vanilla World of Warcraft got so horrendously stale for me. Cannot wait to go home and start questing on abandoned alts again. Wyrmrest Accord. Roleplaying raider. Represent.
Mages get summon water elemental at a much lower level. Mages don't get the intelligence buff until 52. Mages can no longer summon water, only food. There are a lot more changes.