I'm currently planning out one (have all the heroes and abilities down so far) and the thing I'm the most concerned with is triggers. I was wondering if when I'm done all the actual map editor work, if I could send it over to someone to do the triggers? Or you guys could help me out, anyone that uses the Warcraft WorldEditor, giving me lessons and stuff if I come crying into this topic? Some triggers I know I will need: Moving a hero selector onto a beacon will A) kill your selector B) and spawn you that hero at the start location. An automatic respawner that will revive your dead hero so and so seconds after your death. The entire game will pause for a player vs player duel, randomly picking a player from each team to fight. The ability for duels to sometimes be 2v2's or 3v3's. Each player receives money for unit kills, no matter who gets the kills. Units to automatically be generated by one computer player, and sent to the enemy base. Exiled Hero Wars from Reign of Chaos is what this will mostly be inspired by if you need a reference.