
Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Maps, Replays, Modding' started by Xietep, Sep 9, 2010.


  1. Xietep

    Xietep Guest

    I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Other than building placement, I think i play well, but I can't beat ANYONE. I just don't get it. I know my APM is low, but I have no idea how to go any faster than what I'm going now (around 30 APM) and I definitely don't understand how some people are in the 200s. There just doesn't seem to be that much to do.

    Anyways, here's my youtube channel where I have a few matches. Any advice will be appreciated.
  2. Reldric

    Reldric New Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    Well I cant watch your videos since im at work but you shouldn't worry about apm. Apm is in all honesty a phrase that people throw out because they think it makes them look smart (not always, but often enough).

    Yes, apm is important, however its just like minerals or vespene, its no good unless you use it effectively. 30 average apm is plenty to carry you into gold, and possibly even into low platinum what matters are your effective actions per minute Make sure that whatever you do has a purpose, and your not wasting time doing things that are unnecessary. Assume your apm IS a resource and budget it accordingly. If you are fighting a major battle pay attention to it and micro, dont try to pull off a side attack on an expansion at the same time, it wont work and it'll distract you.

    You will be surprised that as you play more and more your apm will slowly yet surely rise. In the mean time dont stress over it.