Starts at 2:08. Does anyone know the title or any pointers? Which film it was featured in (I could then backtrack via OST list), etc. Any halp appreciated.
I don't and in fact I'm extremely lucky to have found this. No archives of the show had this episode and I got this URL by continuously subtracting 1 from the end after having found part of the episode with a higher number in the URL :wacko: I don't know why you can't view the page. Maybe I can record the audio and post the file? I'll try that tomorrow.
That's very interesting because that was my first guess as well and I actually skimmed through the OSTs before posting this. I'll listen to the whole thing and see if it's there. edit: it's thirteen's "grand opening" \o/
Ok. I'm about 87% sure I have this song because I remember thinking that it sounded like an Oceans song. The problem is that I have like 12k songs and I can't even remember the artist.