Help w/ Terran...

Discussion in 'StarCraft Original' started by Drift, Jan 9, 2008.

Help w/ Terran...

Discussion in 'StarCraft Original' started by Drift, Jan 9, 2008.

  1. Drift

    Drift New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Coming back to starcraft after a few months, I have, pretty much, no idea how to play with any sort of efficiency. I build slow, takes me forever to build an army, and I tend to be extremely defensive. For those who love Terran, could anyone give me some insight on some fast, effective rushing technique's that could maybe break my slow building habit? I've tried online guides, but its very conceptual and hard to understand, as they mostly just tell you the end result with any...Body to it. Any tips or links to good noob SC guides would be sick =)

    Thanks for your insight! :good:
  2. EonMaster

    EonMaster Eeveelution Master

    Oct 9, 2007
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    I too tend to be pretty defencive behind my bunker/tank line. However, my build and army production don't tend to be slow.

    For faster building, keep making SCVs to mine minerals at a fast rate. This will allow you to keep making barracks, bunkers, and supply depots after you spend a few minutes collecting. I usually get 8-10 SCVs before building a barracks and supply depot. If you plan to tech, place up a refinery after you start to produce you first barracks. Then send a total of 2-3 (no more) SCVs to mine it.

    To fight your slow production, build multiple barracks (2-4) early to pump marines and medics during the whole game. Also, try to get at least one factory within the first few minutes of play.

    To fight against your defencive habits, do a classic leap frog effect with any tanks you have, and space out your marine and medic force accordingly. It may be slow, but it provides a solid wall while advancing upon your enemy's base. Also, if your economy is stable, bring a few SCVs with your army to repair any damage your tanks take from enemy counter atacks.

    I'm not sure if these are the best tactics in terms of building/unit numbers, but it is what I tend to do, and it works fairly well.
  3. Alasdair

    Alasdair New Member

    Jul 11, 2007
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    My Terran rush stratagy is this

    Start building SCVs, once you're completed 6 send the 7th to build a barracks, but keep those SCVs coming! send the 8th to build a supply depot, the way I time it, the supply depot usually finishes about the same time as the barracks does, so go ahead and build 10 SCVs, because you'll be able to build marines as soon as you finish your barracks, if timed right, once thats done, build 2 marines, and head out to go harrass the enemy, if it's 1vs1, then keep those marines coming so that you can knock them out quick or make them leave. If not, send about 2 more and mess around in their base while continuing on your economy.

    Sadfully, I've yet to incorperate scouting into this stratagy.... Also, it doesn't work as well against Terran, because of their marines, with zealots and zerglings, you can kite them (while one marine shoots the target while the other runs away, then switch roles as nescecary) until they die. But go for workers because your primary target in rushing is to hurt their economy, so dont try killing their CC/Hatcherie/Nexus because that just won't work, anyways, if you kill all they're workers, they'll probably just leave because they know they've lost.

    Good luck with this stratagy if you use it
    But rememer to keep working your base while fighting at the enemies, their no point in hurting your enemies economy by killing their workers if your hurting your own by neglecting it.

  4. Drift

    Drift New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Makes alot of sense. At the same time that im slow and defensive I tend to be very economical. These strat's helped me alot and ill try to apply them on a 1v2 comp or something to get the hang of things...
    Thanks =D
  5. wraith_q

    wraith_q New Member

    Nov 28, 2007
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    I've been *mostly* practicing against the AI in Single Player/Custom game, that way I can save the game as I go. I do play on but not often right now. I want to be able to perform at least at a minimum level before dedicating myself to online play. So far so good, my early game is good, my middle game is improving.
  6. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Hi Drift,

    I would suggest you check out They have a series of guides that are very helpful and most of them are free. The longer ones do require payment, but they're awesome anyway.

    Also, watching YouTube videos should help. And if you ever need a sparring partner, I'm always on AIM and I'm usually available. :D
  7. PKZeppelin

    PKZeppelin New Member

    Oct 18, 2007
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    I'd suggest you to learn how to make Terran Wall first, otherwise you will get rushed miserably :D
  8. CodyFallsForth

    CodyFallsForth New Member

    Jun 15, 2007
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    If you want to get better, a guy in our clan, M[ o ]H-ER_FKER@USWEST, is an amazing T player. Add him and tell him I sent you his way.

    Here are a few tips.
    Scout often.
    Know a counter for everything
    Never stop making scvs
    Expo often

    *Take the spaces out of MoH between the brackets and the o