Help Needed - Running SC2 w/ AGP NVidia

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by DSteezy, Oct 6, 2010.

Help Needed - Running SC2 w/ AGP NVidia

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by DSteezy, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. DSteezy

    DSteezy Guest

    My PC was having a hard time with running SC2, So i threw together a Custom build Desktop w/

    2.8ghz cpu / 1gb ddr2 / Windows XP / 120GB HDD

    Although i was hurting for a Graphics card, i found a dated GeForce NVidia 6200 VGA graphics card for next to nothing and tossed it in my PC, hoping to run SC2 on Low at least.

    However i was unsuccessful. I attemted to update the drivers for the card several times, but no matter what i did i would be returned the same error.

    "The Videocard is not accessible beacause no display drivers are installed. Another 3D application has exclusive access or the machine was locked. please close any 3D applications... or games and try starting starcraft II again".

    In addition to this I cannot acces the Nvidia Control Panel. It says im not using a display attached to a Nvidia GPU.

    Help Please?
  2. StarJet

    StarJet New Member

    Oct 7, 2010
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    I know this sounds silly, but were you using an onboard GPU before?
  3. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Corry PA USA
    Doesn't matter, the 6200 is below the min spec for the game (6600 required). Even a 7200 wouldn't be enough (Since it isn't as good a card as the 6600). You can find faster AGP cards (yes, I did look into this three years ago.

    I'll explain to you my dilemma three years ago when I was trying to get the most out of my Socket A. At the time, THE AGP card to get was the 7800GTX. That's right, they actually made a AGP variant of that card. Problem was, with the $50+ extra cost of it over the PCIexpress counterpart, it was totally not worth it. I could realistically start looking at a new motherboard, CPU, RAM, the whole nice cards.

    This ATI 4650 1GB is the best value AGP card I can find. You can get a 3650 512MB for $10 less... so... :/

    I can spec a machine for you, I can see just HOW CHEAP I can make it (if you want), I real budge "springboard" machine that would allow you to play StarCraft II now, then later on down the road upgrade things like RAM, CPU, video card, etc. I could even spec this machine to use your old CPU for the time being, until you have the cash to move to something even better.. possibly....

    I'll tell you right now, upgrading your AGP card is not a path worth traveling with your current machine. Even with that descent 4650, CPU power seems to be more of a key then anything.
  4. StarJet

    StarJet New Member

    Oct 7, 2010
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    Um.. The 6200 is below minimum according to Blizzard, but my friend plays on one. (Not TurboCache, by the way.) He has a Core 2 Quad and 4GB of RAM, so he has much better performance than me even though I have a 6600. So, yeah, the regular 6200 256MB can play SCII, but the TurboCache one probably can't.