I haven't got a clue how to ask this: I suck. Please help me. I'm interested in playing as Terran, and I've owned the game for over a year, and I've only ever won twice. Please help. Alos, how do I make red latencies go away? Help appreciated :good: Alas, I appear to have forgotten how to hotkey. Can I have help with that too, please? ???
Watch some replays of Terran players on non-money maps like Lost Temple and Python 1.3. If you would like to play with others here on the forums, you can find out user names and gateways of forum members over at http://www.starcraft2forum.org/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=47&topic=3166.0. If you can't find any of the names online, try posting over at http://www.starcraft2forum.org/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=47&topic=112.0. Have a look at this website (http://www.angelfire.com/nt/startupage/bnet/latency.html) regarding latency and ways to fix it. But I will admit that I have logged onto battle.net with 6r and have never encountered lag with any of the other players. Have a look over at http://www.creepcolony.com/hotkeys.shtml as it details hot keys and their general usefulness.
The red latency, if the ping says like 999 or 1000 then its your firewall your ping really isn't that high. Errm just build like crazy, build like 10000000 marines and overwhelm their base LOL
Yeah, hes right. At begginning, if you do it fast enough, you should have 3-5 barracks. Then, build alot of marines/medic combonation. Then just rip through their base =D (Be sure to upgrade and build your base more while you are attacking/building) The more the better =] EDIT: Hotkey is CTRL + 1, Then press 1 and the hotkeyed units will be selected.
Difficult to answer this without knowing why and how you lost your games. Were you rushed early? Did all your attacks fail and leave you vulnerable to counter attacks? Did you always run out of resources? Make sure you have a good build order. You can google starcraft build orders to get them from pro gamers.
Those build orders arew nothing worth if you dont know what they are used for, so still check him out: http://youtube.com/wasif1112
Well, with Terran your play style has to adapt to the enemy race. If he's zerg, you should probably train alot of marines and medics and some firebats if you want to. Upgrade the stim pack, get radar scan, get tanks if he has lurkers. Keep on spamming out marines and medics and allways make more SCv's untill you have at least 50 and 2 bases. Vs protoss, you should go for lots of tanks and vultures. Same as above except do 4 - 5 marines for defence early or block your entrance, THEN start spamming out the high tech units such as Tanks, vultures, and goliaths. Terran vs terran is a tricky one. I guess you could rush with marines, but this is very risky. The best thing to do is probably play as you would vs protoss (Tanks and vultures and goliaths). Wraiths are also dangerous in here so get some stealth detectors. And remember, ALLWAYS expand! Build more supply depots, SCV's, units, and factories / barracks ALL the time. Forgetting to do this for only a few minutes could lose you the game.
Keep your mind open to any strategy. As a Terran player, I rarely see myself doing the same thing each game. Scout often. Know the counters to as many units as you can. If you use your ComSat, sweep, and see a good amount of a certain unit the enemy has, you can begin building the counter. I find as Terran I can expand aggressively and very quickly. My school buds are scared to 1v1 me nowadays. I'm the best out of them, but I don't know how I am VS other sc2forum members.
yeah i would agree in that it all depends on how you are loosing. IF you are loosing to the rush i usually block my base in by using supply depots and then building bunker behind them. Use the academy to upgrade the range on the marins attack and that will keep you until you can get tanks with siege. those work for me with base defenses. Then its either a gloliath and tank army or a battlercruiser army. i am not for rushing. i dont like it. but you need to tell us how loosing mainly so we can help you in that
I use this build order and it works for me. Build SCVs until you have 9/10. Begin building a Supply Depot. Build another SCV. Build a Barracks when minerals allow. Build a Refinery preferably the Barracks is around 50% done. Barracks done now? Build Marines. Build "Vespene" SCVs. Build another Supply Depot to support new SCVs and infantry. Build Academy. Begin Factory if you have the Vespene. And then whatever you want to do from there. Feel free to comment and criticize because I use this.
When I have friends that are just starting out I try to give them just a few tips to focus on to start. These rules do not apply once you get better, but I believe help a lot for beginners. I also find that my friends who just started the game had more early success with protoss. I believe that is because you can build just zealots and dragoons and have a fair ammount of success. 1. Hotkey your command center. 2. Never stop building scvs. Use the hotkey on the command center to select it and build scvs. 3. Hotkey your unit producing buildings. Once you master these steps you can start working on memorizing all the hotkeys and getting a feel for the game. Hope this helps.