So I've loved Starcraft since the original came out, but in all honesty I've never been very good. I've been playing plenty of SC2 (Protoss, specifically) in an effort to get better, even watching good player replays and reading lots of advice. It seems I can start off strong, but I quickly peter out and have no idea which way to go or what to do. Another issue is I have no idea how to effectively assign and use assigned hotkeys. I am wondering if any of you would be willing to watch my replays and give me good, targeted advice. It would be most appreciated. My name in the replays is Redbluefire.
I'll take a look at these tonight if I have time, I'm mid gold league right now, so I don't know if I'll be much help. I recommend day[9]'s videos on He's wicked helpful
I'm low ranking bronze league, I'm sure you'll be plenty help Thanks for the recommendation about the videos too, I'll check em out.
Day[9]'s videos are the greatest! Really helpfull, he points to mistakes as well as good moves and never gets boring (remember the story when he went to the bank willing to change in his check but the bank got robbed or something so he wasn't able to *lol*). He's on youtube, too, but it sucks for the video-limits of 10 minutes, on blip you can watch his videos completly w/o any probs - and they are 1 hour average! Maybe you should look out for some BO's in the internet or even try to play against the AI few rounds. In the first beta-phase i trained against some AI (known as "Starc****" - don't know if i may post it here) which was really helpful. Maybe medium Bliz-AI could help you out? Haven't tried them out, yet!
Which way to go, hmm you need to play more ) The way to go will be shown by your opponent. You should choose a "first strike" strategy - quick spawn Dark templar, Classical attack ( Zerglings + shooter or Zealots + Stalkers ), fast Zealot strike ( send the first Zealot ot kill jis workers or if against Terran - send two workers to kill his SCVs trying to close the entrance with Supply depots, then you see what he/she does and you counter. The idea is to be one thought ahead of your opponent. I hope you get my point
watch day(9) he is awsome first off then find a stratergy that you like and go with it over and over and over, dont change races just do, you will lose a lot till you figure out what to do in case of blah. (ie terran death ball get hts) and if something isnt working try it again but different. (which is all said in day(9)s video things) things I've noticed consistent through all the games, you dont have enough workers, yet oddly you seem to have to much money. make sure you have 2 workers on mins, 3 on gas. second use your chrono boost more consitently, you let it save up to far then use it all. ask yourself the question of why am i doing this when it comes to getting gas and scouting. scouting can be important, but generally as early as you do it i already know what is going on at that point so its a little unessesarry. ( i tend to get my first pylon at 8 this allows me to chrono up four probes and get a gateway very fast, consider pylon before 10 food so that you dont sit on money and waste time) hopefully this helps.
Ok, I just watched the first replay, here are some thoughts\ -First, communicate with your teammate! obviously helpful -The big thing hear is your opening build order. You get a gas and cybercore, but then you only produce zealots. Theres no point in getting them if you're not going to use them. Build another gateway instead. Try to get units out earlier. This is probably the biggest issue -Scout! -Try not to queue units, and on the flipside, try to never be sitting on more than 100 minerals. Spendspendspend. -Use chrono boost more. That's all I have for now
How can I upload replays? I think I'll need some advice too, because I suck really badly and cannot improve. In SC1 and WC3 I could always improve by reading internet advice and watching replays. But now I'm just stuck in my complete inability to win a game - except for when my opponent is really, really bad (like no clue of the game). I even watch replays by psy and copy bos and so on - and still I get overrun by mass zealots/stalkers or mass mech/marines in a ridiculous short time. It's really frustrating, because I didn't suck so badly in the other blizzard games, in sc1 I even felt a bit good for some time (why this does not translate at all into sc2 ability is another riddle for me).
on the posting page you can make an attachment click on the paperclip. Your replays are in your starcraft 2 folder. If you PM me i'd be happy to watch some
Thanks for your very generous offer! I've attached a replay...don't wonder about the funny's stupid and only serves to help me find my way through my replays. The meaning also only applies to my perspective, I know the opposite is true (lest I wouldn't be asking advice). Was just too lazy to change it...
I couldn't edit my previous post to include a second replay. But here is one more... Bad game but I really thought, I'd win...
I wanted to point out a site that gives you some tips on unit specific strategies and tactics. If you go to it is a good resource for specifics on units. What counters what, how to tactically use units, race specific strategies and commentaries on professional games. Here are a couple I recommend: Sentry use: Terran army usage: Zerg army usage: They've upload about 10 new videos per week about tactics for the SC2 community.