Hi all. I want someone to give me the steps to succeed in this mission. Do you know what mission I am talking about ? This where you have 30 minutes to destroy a Protoss base, and find Zeratul. This is also the mission that, when you succeed, you access the bonus stage (where Zeratul finds the existence of the hybrids). Zeratul has to kill his Matriarch. Well, you start with 10 drones, some overlords, EVERY ZERG STRUCTURES, every upgrades you have to "buy", one ultralisk, four hydralisks, 10 zerglings, two guardians and two lurkers. With all that you have 30 minutes (in fact 25 REAL minutes) to destroy a Protoss base defended by two Dark Archons that easily mind control your most powerful units, one Archon, two high templars that use psi storm against your units, one carrier that easily kills your zerglings, one scout, one zealot, one Dark templar and two reavers that annihilate the rest of your silly troop. Of course I never reached the middle of the base because my troop dies before. I am sure there are other hidden enemies that didn't want to move to attack me because I was so .... bad. So please, can somebody help me in giving me, step by step, the way you chose to accomplish your mission in destroying the Protoss base. 25 minutes to do that is, according to me, too short. But it is possible. Help me. Thank you. :thumbup:
there is 2 ways.. power overwhelming or there is no cow level. just kiddin m8, i cant reallý remember how i did on that map
Zerg 9 Background Zeratul has taken Raszagul to a Protoss base on the planet Char. Your mission is to destroy that base before the Protoss can escape. Starting Units 8 zerglings, 5 hydralisks, 2 guardians, 2 lurkers, 8 overlords, and 8 drones. Strategy This is a pretty easy mission. You start with a decent number of troops, and your base is already complete. There are three enemy bases: two White Terran bases at the northwestern and southwestern corners of the map, and the Blue Protoss base to the east. Your first two targets should be the Terran bases so you can get at the resources they are guarding. First off, get your drones to work. Put half on the extractor and half on the crystals, and then build more drones as you are able. There is an elevated path to the west of your base that White will use every so often. Put your two guardians there for the time being, and let them pick off some vultures and firebats while your prepare a strike force. When you have at least four guardians, move them over to the ramp leading to the northwestern White base. White will have a bunker and tank there, and it's a good idea to take these out before sending in your ground troops. Quickly destroy bunkers, missile turrets, and unit-producing structures, and leave the other buildings for later. Have a couple drones standing by so as soon as the area is reasonably safe, you can send them in to mutate into an extractor and hatchery. Now reinforce your original strike force with more guardians and ground units if you need to. White will not build any air-to-air units, so you don't have to worry about mutalisks or devourers for the time being. Repeat your attack strategy from the northern base on the southern base, and then start up your own base there. With three bases, you should have crystals and gas coming in fairly quickly. Create more guardians so you have at least ten, and also create some mutalisks and devourers -- but mostly devourers if you have the time. Blue will have a carrier plus assorted scouts and corsairs, so you'll need some good air-to-air and ground-to-air capabilities. Meanwhile, create some more zerglings, hydralisks and ultralisks. For your attack on Blue, remember that the Protoss will have dark templars available, and that you should have overlords on hand. Unless you upgrade your overlords, it will take a long time to get them from your base to the Blue base, so get them moving much earlier than your planned attack time. The southeastern corner of the map is a safe place to put your overlords and assault troops prior to the attack. White will have a tank and bunker along the path, so make sure you have your guardians take them out first. It will take somewhere around five minutes to destroy the Blue base, and perhaps less if you continue to reinforce your troops while the battle is going on. Although the mission objective is to destroy the Protoss base within 30 minutes, you actually want to destroy it within 25 minutes so you can access a bonus mission. That means you should start your attack on Blue with at least ten minutes left. Let your air troops do most of the initial fighting, and then bring in your ground troops to assist and destroy buildings quickly. Note that the bonus mission will not show up on the mission menu, so immediately start the bonus mission and save at the beginning. I hope this helps.
Thank you very much LT. I will follow your instructions. However I see it is like easy to attack the Protoss base according to your plan, and I believe you, but my worst enemy in this mission is time. 30 given minutes, but in fact 25 real minutes because the counter runs faster than reality.
Of course, I slowed down the speed, I was more concentrated in playing. Thank you a lot LT, you deserve one up . owerup: I just accomplished the mission thanks to you. I exactly followed what you asked to do, and I had 8 more minutes to spend . When I played the first times I didn't know there were terran bases that could provide me in resources. Thank you for your help :good: