Hey all, so don't know the etiquette of this, but would anyone mind watching my replay below and giving some helpful advise on what I should be focusing on to improve? I do a pylon at 9, gate at ~12 and a gas ~13, then a Cybernetics at around 16 and another pylon at 17. I try to keep my probs saturated on minerals/gas. This game was a good example of what I do when I get pressured by the apposing team. I think it was a good battle though so you mights enjoy a little bit Thanks!!
as a fellow protoss bronzie i would only suggest,doing all that order sooner.your build is standard toss but you need to do those crucial things way sooner into the game. this is what i do,btw i'm not being high and mighty this just helped me alot when i was doing what you were doing..\\ take pylon at 7/gate by 9 /chrono boost probe/pylon 10/chrono boost gateway/zealot 11/chrono boost probe/ cyb core 12/chrono boost zealot/ pylon/ twilight council /chrono boost probe/ that usually is a good enough standard opener for toss ive been told by white ra in the book
Whoa...build orders xD... Its okay, my standard opener is this: 9 pylon 13gate 15 pylon, then gas....soon? You needn't memorize long build orders (hell, ive been playing sc for over 10 years, just learned about them ~10 months ago) to perform well, as long as u can think and react fast.
Did pretty good doing a lot of good moves. The only problem is a lot arent necessary in bronze league like how you pyloned in that guys ramp... Id bet $100 he wasnt gonna fast expo on you so that was pretty pointless. Also you had a lot of cannons. A couple of cannons to secure your natural thats cool but i dunno about the 8-10 you made. Also you left all your tech buildings and 2 robo bays on a single pylon for like 10-15 minutes, a moderate attack to the main and that pylon woulda gone down and would probably forced the GG. Those are just some of the little things I could see just kinda fast forwarding through it. Your probably just overthinking a lot of stuff Like also checking army tab in game you had a minimum of 20 supply on top of him through the whole midgame and end cause he was spent all his gas on mutas instead of roach hydra to deal with zealots and stalkers. If you had just gone Blink Stalker you coulda ended him around 18 minutes instead of doing small attacks with those expensive Dark templars. Like I said though a lot of cool moves obviously you won that match so you did a good job but gotta cut the fat from the static defense and pointless moves to make your army that much stronger. Edit: Oh yea and you dont use control groups... that would probably help you when the stuff gets rough.
Thanks for the reply, TuDor. But I don't know about doing those that early... I've never seen anyone play that way. I'll keep my eyes and ears open if I see that as being a valid opening. Thanks!!
Thanks, 1n5an1ty. I know generally what the good build orders are, but i've never invested any time in actually perfecting them. I'll make sure and figure them out to get them perfect.
Awesome, thanks for all the constructive criticism, Rock! I like how you put it that I need to "trim the fat" I definately feel the same way. I get flustered in game not knowing what the other guy is doing and probably end up doing more than I need to. What do you mean by having 20 supply over him? As in I have 20 more units in my army? Or I have 20 more units worth of pylons? Sounds like i need to group my pylons a little better, and stick to doing a few things very well, instead of many things so-so.... and don't worry as much about the defense on my natural since I have my main right there Thanks again!!