Help, I play well in beginning but I just seem to fall apart later on, any pointers?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by SkerlockHolmes, Sep 2, 2010.

Help, I play well in beginning but I just seem to fall apart later on, any pointers?

  1. Here is my match, I seem to do alright in the beginning but I just later fall apart, im fairly certain i could of easily won this game i was just stupid...

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  2. Sigoth

    Sigoth New Member

    Aug 12, 2010
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    You did well at the start but theres a few things that lost you that game.

    Firstly you were using chrono boost on ure probes but i never saw u use it after the 5 min mark, only when u tried to get a mothership, at one point you had 3 nexus all at full mana, hotkey them and use chrono boost as much as you can.

    Secondly you never scouted, tbh you didnt need to that game after he sent those hydras in ure base you should have been able to tell he was massing air, But instead you build immortals. Pheonix's/stalkers would have won you that game, his broodlords were screwed agasint those 2 pheonix's you sent to his main, stalkers could have taken out the hydras. You really have to learn counters, and it comes from losing.

    Another point is when you build ure 3rd xpak you didnt have any probs on it for about 5 mins, thats just wasteing time/minerals. Btw, when you get an xpak put some sort of defense on it, a naked xpak will go down in about 10 seconds, and if you dont have the speed to get ure units there, ure just asking for it to be killed, some cannons would have helped.

    Same in ure main base, no cannons, so when he sent his first hydras ure minreal line was wiped, putting his eco ahead of ures.

    Work on ure scouting, and not just his main base, when ure playing zerg they expand quickly and often, he wouldnt have been able to mass all those units if you took one a couple of his exp, but instead you tried to attack his main, bad idea. Get him locked to his main and eventually his eco will mean he cant match ure production in terms of units.

    Your not a terrible player you just need more practice, remeber to scout, try to learn counters, and defend ure xp/main bases.

    Oh, and next time block ure ramp, those 4 speedlings he sent he micro'd badly, a better player could have won the game there.