Help against Reaper harass

Discussion in 'Terran' started by Spacelord, Aug 6, 2010.

Help against Reaper harass

Discussion in 'Terran' started by Spacelord, Aug 6, 2010.

  1. Spacelord

    Spacelord Guest

    Hey all, I'm a fairly new SC2 player and I prefer to play Terran. I have had some trouble with getting harassed by Reapers when I play against other Terran. Is there a good way to counter this? I try to send my Marines and Marauders over toward my supply lines and move my workers out but I always lose quite a few of them before I can fend off the Reapers. Thanks.
  2. DREAD

    DREAD New Member

    Aug 5, 2010
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    Just make sure to cover your supply line, building bunkers with marines beside each vespine guyser is a good way, or behind the mineral line as thats were they usually come in. Generally be sure to defend the corners of your mineral line to prevent them from taking out to many of your svc's
  3. BringItSon

    BringItSon New Member

    Aug 5, 2010
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    I disagree with Dread.

    You do not need bunkers to defend against reapers.... They are pretty weak units in terms of HP.

    Make sure you scout. if you see a barrack and an gas going down at supply of 10, then thats a def reaper rush.

    in that case, just build 2 barracks and pumps some marines and you will be fine.

    Only way reapers can deal you good damage is when you have no units to defend. 6 marines beats 3-4 reapers easily.

    Cost 6 marines =300 mineral 4 reapers- 200 mineral 200 gas.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2010
  4. snowden0908

    snowden0908 New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    Don't over-think it, just alter your build slightly against terran to compensate.

    vT I typically pump out maybe two more marines than usual and it does the trick (giving me about 5), theres nothing better than catching someone who has committed to a reaper rush though.

    Also, make sure to set your rally point from your barracks to some place close to your mineral line to save time.

    And don't spread your marines too thin, if he snipes them off then you just lost yourself the game. Either bunch them up in the best possible spot or block one side of your mineral ramp off with buildings.

    Also, you definitely don't need 2 barracks to deal with the reaper harass because with the way time factors into all of this, you will really only have 1 extra marine during the time his rush is effective so if you are having enough trouble with reapers to justify that extra marine, I suggest a bunker in one corner and buildings (such as an engineering bay) in the other corner. You can always salvage the bunker and come out even.

    If your build calls for two barracks though, then try and get them out sooner, but otherwise I don't see the purpose of plopping down 150 minerals for something you don't need when a salvageable(basically free) bunker does the job just as well.
  5. BringItSon

    BringItSon New Member

    Aug 5, 2010
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    but with 2 barracks, you can easily counter attack.

    especially because reaper build (supply 10 barrack and gas) is extremely bad for your economy.

    as soon as i see reaper harras coming, i put down 2 barracks and go marine and mara. by the time i attack, the guy with the reaper build does not have much units to defend.
  6. snowden0908

    snowden0908 New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    very true, for me i just stick to my 1/1/1 build so tightly that ill shut down all sorts of early pressure only to win later on with something that works, just not as well as the immediate counter attack.

    thats probably why I wont really ever be good at sc2 as a player
  7. main49

    main49 New Member

    Aug 8, 2010
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    3 Marines early will stop a single Reaper, later in the game, park a Marauder at each end of your mineral line and get concussive shells. Reapers can't run when you have that and since they are armored even a group of Reapers can't kill a Marauder.

    I don't like to use Marines save a proxy because if the person attacks a little later with a couple Reapers, Marines go down too fast (light unit) and moving more units up is just really slow in general.