Hello, people! I found these forums randomly while searching for a trial key on google, but since I'm grabbing a sc2 copy soonish they seem like a good place with info about the game(I'm out of the strategy buisness for the past 10 years or so). Btw, would this be a good place to ask about where I could find a trial key to get to know the game a bit before ordering? Regards, Stirlitz
Well, many people here have the game, and it comes with free trial keys. Perhaps a kind member still has one left for you. In either case, you can ask away about pretty much anything from SC2, to the reason as to why ijffdrie has a split personality. You probably won't ever get a decent answer, though. But in all seriousness: enjoy your stay. ^^
I have trial keys to give out? Sweet! I'll get you one if you give me a PM. Also, do you make maps/mods?
Thanks for the welcome, guys! I'm waiting for my WoW subscription to end(about 1 week gametime left) and purchasing SC2 instead of adding wow another gamecard, so that's about when I'm gonna start playing the game. As for maps/mods, no I don't make any, though I've been having some ideas for maps back in the days I was a school student and a strategy-game player but have quit strategies for around 10 years now. Been waiting for SC2 to launch(I tried the beta on a friend's account and it really rocked while on the other hand I really sucked ) and since I can somewhat afford to purchase it(and considering I'm dropping wow's monthly fee, it'll lead to no net loss over the next 3-4 months) I'll do so. Which means I'm gonna spend some time on forums looking up stuff and trying to cover ground lost on strategy games in order to become a player that respects himself again Eatme, I'll send you a PM about a key, mate, thanks for the offer Cheers everyone!
Oh yea, I forgot that the package came with trial keys! Not sure if you've gotten one already, but feel free to PM me if you need one. Welcome to the forums!
Thanks a lot for the amount of offers everyone! EatMeReturns was kind enough to provide me with a trial key a while ago! I'll give it a try tomorrow noon when I wake up and start playing a bit! I'll get some experience with the game, get myself a copy asap and start visiting these forums on a regular basis Cheers and thanks again, everybody!