Hello, My name is cellulariceteas and I am a previous SC:1 and WC3 player. I never got into diablo but am much anticipating the launch of SC:2 next year! Hopefully we can play sometime!,
Hello there! Leave your brain by the door if you're visiting Space Junk. It's not a good place for him
Lol mee Hey there, welcome to the forums! There's a tourney getting preparated to start on december! If you wanna play, be sure to sign in fast!
Dude... do you know how stomped I'm going to be the first round? I'm just joining to have some fun and hopefully join the (few...?) people around the forums for more games. Welcome by the way.
Welcome. You came just in time to see one of our global mods fail at the Russian Reversal. Really though, you should pity Fenix. After he caught the spam flu, he's at the end of his rope. Poor guy. Anyways, welcome newblet. Please go through the door on your right so we can innoculate you against several dangerous forums diseases.
There's a space in my name. A space. A spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace. And it's just because I try to be clever at points, riiiiiiiiiiight?