HDD activity in SC2

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by Nulf, Sep 22, 2010.

HDD activity in SC2

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by Nulf, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. Nulf

    Nulf Guest

    My game is annoyingly choppy for some reason, especially in the early game.
    It seems like the game is accessing my HDD quite a lot, because I can hear it quite loudly.
    I don't know why it's doing this, I thought the game is supposed to run from RAM?
    What's wrong here? I even tried reinstalling the game, updated all drivers, etc.
    Help :(
  2. 1n5an1ty

    1n5an1ty Member

    Mar 2, 2009
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    Umm. Try ending other programs, processes, and check the rpm of ur hdd xD
  3. Nulf

    Nulf Guest

    How do you check the rpm? It's supposed to run at 7200rpm and I think it does,
    or maybe not during SC2... :mad:
    I only have Skype running when playing SC2. Tried running without any programs and it's the same.
    Oh yeah, my replays lag a lot too, and the lag persists throughout the whole replay.
    HDD definitely is the issue here I think, but I don't know how to fix it.
    Scanned for errors, defragged multiple times, enabled all policies for enhancing performance.
    Maybe it's just time for a faster HDD?
    I'm curious, because a friend with a laptop with 5400rpm HDD plays it very smooth.
    A very confusing case indeed...
  4. BlueStar

    BlueStar New Member

    Jul 31, 2010
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    i have a similar problem...
  5. peterius

    peterius New Member

    Jul 30, 2010
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    I heard some people with those new SSD hard drives had bugs, something Blizzard said they would try to fix or something.

    I've gotten stuttering, freeze/unfreeze since beta. A couple weeks ago, my bios battery died and the stuttering MASSIVELY improved. Like it was suddenly playable where before it wasn't.

    But I still got a bit of stuttering, and after 1.1 came out, it got worse again, though not as bad as it was.

    Anyway, you might try resetting your BIOS often or even maybe removing the battery and putting it back in.(BE CAREFUL) Possibly every time a patch comes out. If it helps, please let me know. It could have been just a fluke. I'm pretty sure the stuttering comes from weird copy protection in SC2 as well as some of the SC2 crashes, but I'm not sure if there's any real solution.
  6. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Corry PA USA
    How much system ram do you have, and how much crap is running in the background? Try downloading and installing a virus scanner like the free to use Microsoft Security Essentials to scan for viruses, and using msconfig to turn off stuff at boot.

    The best way reduce "hard drive trashing" (which is what you are having) is to first uninstall any applications that you don't need, and free up as much hard drive space as possible. The more RAM installed the better!

    After you have freed up space go and download/install/purchase a good defragger, my personal recommendation is PerfectDisk Pro. If you choose to use PerfectDisk Pro, first go to the space management tab, then click "start," This will clear out all the temp files on the system (no need to manually do it anymore!). Now that you've maximized your free space, run an "offline defrag" on all of your drives. This will defragment system files like the file table (tells the OS where files are on the hard drive), your hibernate file, and your page file (this is the biggest one!). The fact that you can perform this defrag is the key reason I use Perfect Disk Pro over other popular defragers like O&O.

    After you've managed to get the system files unfragmented (you can analyze the drive until you get the system files into an acceptable range. File table works best if it has 0 fragments, Page file if it has 0-2). It may take 2-3 passes to get these files in an acceptable range the first time you do it. After that, you can run the standard "Smart Placement" defrag and that will defrag the rest of the files on your drives (do at least 2 passes the first time!).

    Perfect Disk works better the longer the OS has been installed!

    Please pay attention to the following!
    If you can "hear" your hard drive in this day and age, this may be a sign of hard drive pre-failure! If you know what brand your drive is, go to the manufactures website and download their set of hard drive tools and run the test. This will let you know if any of your SMART stats are in high enough for pre-failure. If it is, you have plenty of time to STOP using your computer and backup date! Almost every major hard drive manufacture has tools (with the exception of Toshiba). If you've been having trashing conditions for awhile and haven't found a solution to it, the trashing can/will decrease the life of your hard drive!

    Hope this advice helps somebody out.