Hey, I just wanna emphasise in this thread how important it is to have a plan before starting the game. There is a hgue difference between improvising(lol) and having a good solid plan. I see alot of my friends going into a game and start doing some wierd stuff. They end up loosing because I had a plan and I executed it. An example could be my last Online game: My plan was: 1. go Tanks/Marines 2. Expand 3. Add Medivacs and Thors So this was my plan. I executed it and it worked marvelously.What I am trying to say is: you dont need to have only 1 build vs Protoss, 1 vs zerg and another vs Terrans. What counts is having a plan and executing it. I've seen alot of people improvise a build, improvise alot basically just because they had no real plan or build order. So: Make a plan before each match because having a plan could make the difference between a win or a loss. It could also make the difference between a silver league and a gold league
I agree. I have won about 95% of the games that I go in to knowing exactly what I am going to do, regardless of my build and the race I was playing against. I have lost every single game where I did not know what I was doing.
Terran can have a plan. Toss/Zerg needs to react. In the last game I played I was planning on blink stalkers but after scouting with probes (twice) I saw a robo bay going up... so instead I decided to go chargelots. I charged up his ramp and only got a few units in his base before getting force fielded and I focused on the sentries. I made 4 more zealots at my proxy pylon and ran right in, demolishing him. A plan is good, but scouting is better.
Very true... @Bovineblitz: Well of course, I never said you had to stick to your plan whatever happens you know. Having a plan is more of a base. You start with a base and then you add some meat around the skeleton. But without the skeleton you can't put meat . Still if you scout dosen,t mean your in better spot. People with no plan will either forget about expanding so you will see a very late or even very early expansion which makes no sense. Or you will see them stick to a unit somposition all the match because they had no transition plan or just god damned plan you know. Also yes there is some situations where you must change your plan, but in most cases you can stick to it even if you dont have THE counter for the ennemy. Example: Mass marines with stimpack could own stalkers even if marauders are THE ''counter'' for it. Or even if your plan was mass marines and thors and he makes high templars, you dont have to make an insane transition, you can just add ghosts; and you still stick to your plan.
I think this is true. So true in fact, that I think having a bad plan is still better than having no plan. Sometimes I will make a strategy and it will totally fail on them and it will set me back in resources, then I'm just chugging along trying to make it work after cluttering up everything with my failed attacks. It makes it difficult to recover, but compared to simply building whatever comes along, I am still better off because I at least know my opponent's playing style after engaging him once unsuccessfully.