"An error has occurred. Press the Eject Button and remove the disc, then turn the Wii console off and refer to the Wii operations Manual for help troubleshooting." Fuuu- Hate when I beat a boss and this message appears on the loading screen. I think the problem is that it got knocked over a lot by my youngest sister's friends, so the inside parts are either lose or damaged. Whenever the above message appears, the Wii will refuse to load any disk or at least another hour and crash every time it tries. I know overheating isn't the issue because the Wii is still at room temperature when this happens. Seems the only way to fix it would be to either just buy a new Wii or buy new parts and repair it myself since its after warranty. Why couldn't the Wii be as sturdy as my Gamecube? Its taken a lot more abuse than the Wii yet not a single issue. When I was younger and lost to a boss, I sometimes threw the controller at the GC, and as is there isn't even a dent on it and never once had an error message on it. :/
The GC was as sturdy as freaking fortress. Guess that slim little thing can't really compete. Good thing a Wii isn't that expensive anymore, and you get new games with it should you get a new one.
Yeah, but I dont have the $200 for a new one. Even the ~$120 of an used one feels pricey just for something that doesn't have an issue with the laser(which i think is why it has disc reading errors). Likely will get a new one eventually, just don't have the money lying around to buy a system I've already bought once before. Mostly annoyed because I got Tales of Symphonia: DotW, and a RPG isnt really playable when the game can stop working at any moment due to a reading error. I forgot about this issue when I went shopping earlier this week and had also gotten Sonic Colors and SEGA All-Star Racing for Xmas gifts for family, and not looking forward to seeing how playable those are.