So I was going about exploring my first mine that I made yesturday and remembered that I made a huge discovery by breaking a couple random things of dirt and found and passage way into a massive dark area. I was too low on health to explore so I left it alone. Today I am still in the process (3 hours later) of exploring it because every time I think I found the last dark spot more are opened and I go to explor them. I've found massive amounts of diamond, gold, some sort of red rock, and a few other wierd things... Now the thing I'm really curious about was this room..filllled with spiders which kept spawning. I figure the flaming thing in the middle was a mob spawners or something, but it was wierd.. There was a random chest with some goodies inside of this room and a monster spawner. It seems very strange to me that this would occur and was wondering if any of you have encountered it as well... Kinda reminds me of that one thing bout the guys dead brother. xD
It's called a dungeon. They're fairly rare, but unfortunately, the loot doesn't always reflect that. I've had one where I actually obtained 2 diamond blocks (that's 18 diamonds) and another where all it had was 2 leathers.
Oh, how I would love to not read about everything in minecraft before discovering it myself I envy you, Takaim
Fine a random big hole in the ground, close it off so you are safe and bring lots of torches and pick axes and shovels and you'll find one eventually.
I found one that was directly accesible from the surface. I was playing on peaceful though, so nothing spawned.
Oh, I'm playing on hard I think. Was a real pain in the ***. xD Kinda in the mood to start all over again though, bored of my map. xD Wanna try and get a snow one.
Something that bugged me about hard. There's not more monsters. They just do more damage. Severely disappointed. I think more monsters spawn on 'Fast' graphics oddly enough. At least on the surface, I run into a lot more.
Monsters piss me the hell off. -_- But I wouldn't wanna play without them. It's sort of intense when you break open a new hole and it's pitch black and you can hear monsters. Or when you're mining and keep hearing noises of monsters and stuff behind you while you mine, specially when they sound like they are getting closer. x_x Freaks me out.