crazy.... my jaw dropped. WOW i love what they did with battlecruisers.
Those Vikings really got the BCs! O_O It seems they're pretty tough, or was it that the BCs were already too weakened? Anyways, nice video. ;-)
yea i saw it, it was sweet, and the multiple attacking is also neat. Well, vikings are the terrans main AA so i dont mind them getting owned by the vikings.
Those Vikings must have a strong anti-air damage output if they are the replacements for the Terran Goliath. Also the fire was focused so I do not see any surprise on how fast they put those BattleCruisers in place. owerup: for linking a good video displaying the Viking's prowess!
Vikings getting owned by the vikings? What does he mean. Maybe Vikings are the AA so its not strange BCs are getting owned by the vikings?
Could anyone give me a link to a video showing the single-player elements from SCII shown at last night's live-demo please? (assuming that one exists at this time). I want to see that part of the presentation. Cool video by the way! Battlecruisers = pwnage!!
Grrr... I wish I were an IGN insider now. Why is it that the only website that gets the new videos up immediately doesn't let you download high-definition ones without paying?
Please realize that those three battlecruisers were being assaulted by 16 vikings. Hardly a way of judging the viking's power. That's like trying the odds of 10 zerglings against 10 siege tanks.
well, we do know that the vikings are powerful. in the video(not the offscreen one) they said that the viking was a very effective AA unit.
I saw that video it was... awe.. some..! You should post a link of the whole vid not just that little part. Then again, here is a little link here. Flip through some of the other links if you havent already seen them. This is also on the hompage.
The viking seems to be a good bread and butter unit. I imagine it'll be used quite a bit by pretty much everyone. Still, those battlecruisers seemed much more impressive this time around. Talk about a killing field!
I still want to see the Predator, was it playable at BlizzCon or is it just one helluvan elusive unit. Didn;t want to make a new topic for this, and dont know where else I should put it... but anyone find it strange that when a mechanical unit dies, the physics have the pieces fall in insead of exploding out... bin like that since e3 im starting to think its deliberate.
That is because they were blown to bits with guns, with the marines vs vikings. Is that the scene you meant? Where the viking seems to woble a bit and falls down on fire?
Suscribe. Its fast and free. Im not suscribed but I can still DL the hi res videos (dont ask me why).