Has anyone ever made a tower defense map for Starcraft I?

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by CaptainPicard, Oct 30, 2007.

Has anyone ever made a tower defense map for Starcraft I?

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by CaptainPicard, Oct 30, 2007.

  1. CaptainPicard

    CaptainPicard New Member

    Sep 25, 2007
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    It occurs to me that it would be possible to make an entertaining tower defense map for SC1, especially if you had the StarEdit program which would allow you to alter ranges on units and such and give new attacks to existing units. The challenge would be to give the game the same mechanics as a WC3 tower defense map without the facility, as far as I can remember, to actually clone new units. You would need to do something like tinker with all of the various Ghost's attack rates, ranges, and rates of fire, not to mention the terran marines and hero marines. You might be able to to get the siege tank in there as a mobile tower, with no significant attack in its tank mode but a very nice attack in its siege mode. The number of triggers you'd need probably would be available even with only 256, but you might have to be clever about how you directed the creeps to run around the maze.

    But, I think it could be done...
  2. Trooper_Lozer

    Trooper_Lozer New Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    i like tower defence maps alot, so great idea! i often thought about this idea, im just no good at making maps... but i thought that a turret could be anti air tower, cannon could be a normal tower, and a sunken could be ground only. and that the tank could be a big tower doing damage only to ground, but with lots of it and splash. the spore colony could be a better antiair only unit just with a slower attack, and the defiler could slow the units down. (i dont think a plague ability would work so well...) I also thought that a battlecruiser could be sort of like a super cannon, with a strong attack for both ground and air, just very expensive. if u could make a map like this i would like to try it out!
  3. CaptainPicard

    CaptainPicard New Member

    Sep 25, 2007
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    The trouble is:

    1.) I don't own SC1 anymore.
    2.) You can't just make an arbitrary unit a tower (doesn't work like that in SC1). I'm sure that in SC it will be possible, but this is fundamentally why it was so popular in WC3 to make tower defense maps: it was EASY! All you had to do was design a set of towers with a given range, attack type, and damage, and then you'd give them interesting (hopefully interesting) shapes and sizes. But, in SC1 you can do only a few little things in the editor itself, and only a bit more with the StarEdit hack.

    But, it would be interesting to make a map like this: BUNKER DEFENSE

    You have a series of bunkers laid out on the cliffs overlooking a terran maze. The bunkers can be loaded with whatever troops you choose to put in them, and you can acquire those troops at a set of barracks (you'd have to rig up some trigger system so you could "build" units like the many hero ghosts, the diversity of which would be essential to a robust gameplay). Then, you can put the units into the bunkers and have 'em shoot at stuff as it runs by (or flies by). For air specialization and detection, you could build turrets. You could also specialize in Protoss and build good all-around defense with the photon cannons. Or, you could go for greatest range with lots of Terran Ghosts (although it'd be interestinng to see how one might design a map so that the slight increase in range could actually translate into a significant advantage). There are enough different damage types and firing rates in SC1 that the bunkers with infantry would still be interesting. You would of course earn minerals for each kill.

    Other things you could add would be the ability to acquire a vulture unit plus the ability to reload its spider mines, and take it down onto the track in between runs so that you could mine the course.

    A similar, popular map was made where 3 invulnerable bunkers at there defending against wave after wave of enemies, and eventually you racked up enough money to buy significant forces and thus go kick some serious butt on the enemy bases themselves. It was cooperative, which is fun. Thus, it might be interesting to make the Bunker Defense map cooperative as well.
  4. Trooper_Lozer

    Trooper_Lozer New Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    hmm, that would be pretty fun! again im not very good at map making and i really dont know to much, but if u could make a map like this that would be pretty amazing!
  5. Shadowdragon

    Shadowdragon New Member

    Jul 17, 2007
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    I'm pretty sure someone has made one...the name escapes me.
  6. invaderdan

    invaderdan Guest

    Oh my god...

    I hope you guys are all JOKING.

    Starcraft originally went online in 1998, and within its first two years online (which is when i started playing it) a map was created simply named "turred D" which was a zig zaging map in which you built missle turrets on a winding track to gain kills and money for more turrets.


    What i am trying to say is that STARCRAFT INVENTED TOWER DEFENSE. Before the original turret d map was released there had been no desktop flash games of this type, no home console, and NO TOWER DEFENSE whatsoever.

    so to answer your question, yes there has been a tower defense game made, as well as sunken defense, spore defense, x defense, bunker defense, cannon defense and the list goes on and on. Literally, there dozens of them.

    ( not trying to be a **** here, i just couldnt believe what i was reading.)
  7. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    A good working example of making stationary turrets out of units can be seen on "Random Beacon Defense" It is very possible to do the things you want using the advanced editors and a little bit of know how on triggers. Also you would be amazed at the modding programs out there that allow you to change bits and pieces.
  8. oneil

    oneil New Member

    May 13, 2010
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    Ottawa, Canada
    edit; yeeaaahhh I just realized the OP is from 2007... way to bump an oolllld thread

    Is this a serious topic, Tower Defense in SC1? There are thousands of tower defense maps for SC1. I am much more curious to know when someone will either convert sc1 defense maps to sc2 or when someone makes a totally redesigned and original SC2 defense.

    I can share my downloaded maps folder for SC1 if you'd like: ~3400 individual maps and most (90%) are defense/tower maps
    Last edited: May 20, 2010
  9. asdf

    asdf New Member

    Jun 21, 2009
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    lol, silly question. starcraft 1 is where tower (turret) defense even got started. in fact, there were tons of other types of "defense" maps which i preferred over TD, like the 10-way marine defense. bunker defense wasn't all that great though.

    now, TD stacking, that needs a comeback. the "lights on/off" variant was pretty cool.
  10. Glaurung

    Glaurung New Member

    Apr 29, 2010
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    Your base.
    Instead of asking what UMS maps were made, You should be asking which ones weren't.
  11. Hodl pu

    Hodl pu New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    I didn't make a Tower D map, but I made High Templar Defense as a kid.
  12. darkshakuras

    darkshakuras New Member

    Jul 11, 2010
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    Yes, there have been quote a few already made. Hell TD and Cube TD to mention a few. Here is a list of a few tower defense maps and team defense maps. In the next few weeks you will see many mappers porting old custom SC1 and WC3 tower defense maps to SC2 maps. However, What I'm really interested in is what the next generation of defense games are going to be like, given that the SC2 map editor is capable of, and seeing how creative the mapping community is.. It's really exciting.

    -Dark Shakuras
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2010