Google "starcraft 2 beta AI V5.5" the V5.5 is the hardest AI that has been made, it plays quite ok with zerg already.
I fail to see how downloading SC2 maps and smarter AI is a nono. If you think it's breaking the EULA or ToS, feel free to point out where it says: "downloading maps is illegal and prohibited blabla".
It's called user generated content for the game. And all this user generated stuff keeps games interesing long after the vanilla content is dead. And thus increasing the game's sales in the long run. Something I'm sure Blizzard would want.
discussing about ai is a "nono" here? ok, my ai was get tougher, but still can win easily.. but now at least zerg know how to keep attacking...
Oh, I thought he was talking about the cracked AI. Seems to be on everybody's mind these days. *EDIT* How would people have been able to make maps/better AI without cracking the game, though?