In the original StarCraft, a starter player had to load game constantly and it all seemed very difficult. Just a thought ! Seeing how the SC2 campaign is so elaborate, I think it would be important if an average player would have a good chance of succeeding all the way through without using saved games (that is: we get save on exit) if he carefully chooses missions and navigates any surprises Blizzard manages to get for the campaign. The campaign as presented in previews looks so promising and it would be a pity not to extend a final decisive element of realism: to offer an iron man mode where your possibilities are realistic and accessible. For those that prefer the old save system, they would still get the usual difficulties with nasty surprises that always make you load the game ! The potential of a save and exit system: -you navigate the missions, you have to consider that you are not immortal -you play every mission as if your (virtual) life depended on it -allows the game to be designed FOR the above
Do you mean something like the Hardcore mode from Diablo 2? If so them I'm all for it. But I'd like to see the game itself pretty much unchanged in both modes. More like the D2 model where the character is modified to make the game harder. Has less hit points or moves slower or only a limited number of saves. Well something, I think you all get what I mean. I think it's a good idea in theory. And would work only if executed properly.
You should be playing every game as if your virtual life depended on it anyway. I'd rather there be set difficulties, where the enemy AI improves by a certain amount, every difficulty level you go up.
Anyway? Why? There's no real need to do that since you can save and load. This is a very real problem AiM is addressing IMO. Having a mode or difficulty where you can not save would really change the way you play the campaign, since you can't afford making certain moves etc. It would make great training before you go on Bnet. I don't think it will be Blizzard any trouble creating a mode without saving and loading.
If the only way you could save is at the end of a mission that you've completed? I don't really like that idea, mainly because it usually takes me around an hour (if its the last few missions) to beat, and I don't want to play into the game for 40 minutes, lose, then restart. Saving games is something I don't use to "cheat", I don't go like "lets see if my main army can take on dugall's base, so i'll save and if they all die i can just load hehee", I use it to save my point in the game, to take a break, and play again when I'm ready.
Just don't save, and it is accomplished. You don't need blizzard to make a mode where you don't save, just don't save yourself.
LOL. The game is DESIGNED so that you need to save. You just end up in bad, inescapable situations. No way man! If you lose, you lose it all. Only get save on exit. The thing is, they have to make losing not as banal and design ways to live around it.
Well a Hardcore mode would be nice, 1- No save and load while in-game 2- Checkpoints between each mission 3- When you die, restart entire campaign 4- Cheat disabled 5- Elapsed time measurement, calculates how much time you completed the campaign, and posts it somewhere in your B.Net account, something like a ladder for Hardcore. Combination of points 3 and 5 is sick I must admit. Do it fast, but don't take too many chances, or start all over. I think that this setup is worth the name "challenge". Since a medium player will be able to complete it by taking his time and an expert campaign player can do it faster, you can measure which one does it the better. Espacially with a 26-30 missions campaign XD. Like Diablo2 hardcore, without being possible, you need to be careful to be successful
No it isn't, I've gone through all but the last campainge (brood war zerg) without a single saved game.
It's not easy when you are a little kid, just starting to play it. I am not that little kid anymore. You will eventually get good enough to do the same thing on SC2.
Of course Hardcore mode would be harder than normal play, but it's not a certain difficulty I am looking but a way of playing the game. In a campaign where you can save as much as you want the AI of course has to be a little tougher than the AI in a mode where saves are disabled.
I prefer certain difficulties, if you beat one, and think you have a handle on the game, you can go up a level, and truly test yourself.