Just wanted to say Happy Canada Day to all the hardcore SC2 fans from Canada! I was also wondering about the APM counter in the replays and everything that Blizzard has implemented. I read in the IGN article that in order to be a good player you need to be making 300APM! like is that elite pro level or just your average good player? becaue i feel that making 90-130 APM is pretty decent player right now in SC1. if it isn't well then i must suck the big one lol. let me know what you think.
Thats the elite pro level, Savior (one of the best players in history), was/is known to have an APM of "only" 260 though. Bisu (who detroned Savior) has on of 360. I think you are doing fine, to improve you have to look at other game features too. But APM is a good place to begin improving. In most RTS's im around 120-180.
at this point i would say dont worry about it the new challenge mode they have implemented is obviously a training mode for competition, its been so long since i played SC that when i tried it again lately i sucked mega balls overal...so im like "whatever screw it i have WoW, DotA, and PS3" when SC2 comes out im definately using the more or less "competition" tutorial and prolly hang in the casual league for a bit. and Sc2 is vastly different from SC in areas, so your APM's will be lower or greatter, thankfully the new stat screen will blatantly say "do bla bla bla"
yea, i didn't know they had a tutorial or for training. i know they always have the beginners help tutorial and then thats it but i didn't think they actually had something to help u train on.?