I havnt had much time but when I got on the computer I found this cool site surfing the web. http://www.halomovie.org/halomovie-videos.html Alaso just to add in www.halowars.com
HOpe it wont be bad, like most Movie-Games. Doom was good, Resident evil (1) was good (rest blew balls) and Silent Hill, most other remakes are super gay. Hopefully it wont be bad. Im expecting the Zelda movie to be...... horrible.
Well... I think they are still trying to find someone to help them produce it or whatever, but everyone they find seems to mess around with the story line. Look gay atm but I hope it will be better.
The movie's going to either be terrible, or scare everyone and be completely awesome. But I know my Halo humping friends will drag me to it anyways.