I manage a photo lab for a large national chain. I currently work in one of our new stores (11 months old) and I have been running grass roots efforts to increase and keep sales in the photo lab. For your viewing pleasure and my own boredom here are some test shots that may see light of day as an advertisement for a "Get your Picture taken with the Joker" Halloween photo shoot (I am playing the part. I was the Easter Bunny too back in....April? March? Whens Easter?). When I say advertisement I mean a poster board on our counter and a few 4"x6" bag stuffers. Anyways check my pics here. Yes that is a rare glimpse at the real me...+costume. I am getting purple pin stripe pants, Joker mouth scar latex pieces(first picture), and a movie authentic tie in the mail to pull it all together. Also my camera lens was smudged for most of it (f***). Anyways, hope you like and comments on preferred pic please. Please know that this was a trail of of to do the make up. I realize I need more black around the eyelids and my hair is too spoty with the green.
That's what these latex makeup pieces are for. I got em off eBay, they are still in the mail. P.S. I've heard it called a Brazilian smile.
LOL! But yeah, I think a darker red would work a bit better, and a bit more smudgy. At the moment it's too much of a smile. I remember it resembling a smile, but it was mainly a huge, wide, red smudge over his whole mouth and scar regions. Otherwise it's perfect. And the suit is just uncanny. On I side note, I know the Joker's hair is actually green, but it was much more yellow in The Dark Knight wasn't it? Or that might just be my shocking memory kicking in for a sec.
In the film, the greater majority of scenes seem to show the Joker a bit beat up. In these scenes the hair dye is not pronounced, rather dull (and natural light brown) as if he had not dyed it for a few days. You see highlights of green not a full crown. I liked that about the character design; it shows a true mad man with real activities and needs instead of a unflawed cartoon villain that only ever needs to look like a comic book). My hair here was a lesson for myself. I did not comb it evenly or beat it down to the right shade. My bad for worrying the green would be hard to wash out. Otherwise I would (and will in the future) work with it more. IMO I like it the hair beat up way. It gives me the idea of a completely mad everyman using what resources he can find easily. The Joker of Dark Knight is a man playing the role of a real monster. Sometimes his costume was a bit rugged, that shows the human underneath the beast. I'm sorry; forgot. Yes, I could do a darker red. Crimson.
Yeah, the Joker is by far the best actual villain I've every seen. The only one I know that's even really comparable is the guy from Speed, who actually reminded me of the Joker. He's just such a believable character and was played so well. Even though he was the cruelest of villains, you actually liked him. And yeah, the psychology behind it all and everything is just endless, not to mention how he completely redesigned the Joker as a character, as as you said, all the others were simply unflawed cartoon villains with perfect makeup and teeth, but now he's flawed, he's got vices, he's worn. Such a perfect character. You always see villains in movies, but ones like these deserve a category of their own.
And get disturbingly close to people. Don't overdo the Why so serious? line though. It's good a couple times, but it gets annoying.