Hey everyone! first time posting. I was playing a game of starcraft online and i randomed Terran as my race. i started building my defenses and not 7 minutes later i got rushed by like 100 mutalisks! The guy i was against was HACKING. There is absolutely no way something like that could happen . Please teach me how to deal with these stupid korean hackers.
LOL he's just another angry guy... Happens all the time. Sorry, not much we can do for you bud. The game's 10 years old and even in its hey-day there wasn't much we could do. You could always try playing Zerg with the 4-pool rush. Hacks tend to take a few minutes to have any effect so if you rush quickly enough they'll still die. Other than that I can suggest you play on ICCup or through another LAN provider. Hope you find a good solution.
Getting hit by a bunch of mutalisks by 7 minutes? Sounds like 2 hatch muta to me. I think you're just a sore loser. Although, you could review the REPLAY, and pay keen attention to the resources.
If that isn't an exaggeration, then yes, hacker. Otherwise no I don't think it was a hacker. I do exaggerate for effect a lot. I'm sure other people do on occasion as well.