Is there a good free guide for multiplayer on starcraft2? like build orders, what unit counters what and stuff like that? Im new to sc so i feel like it could help. I dont really have the money for a guide like Star2Pros and i dont know if its even worth the money. I mean i still ned 20$ more for sc2 lol
You shouldn't have to buy anything about Starcraft 2 gameplay, besides the game that is. When the game releases, and the units and such become more final. Then you will find build orders, and counters ( there is no such thing as counters). You will be able to find this all online in the coming weeks/months.
About counters: When you go to the Options-Help Menu whatever thingy during the game, there's a list of the units and what they're strong and weak against. About build orders and general guides: I've found Youtube to be a pretty good resource. If you search for Build Orders, a bunch of vids will come up. The tutorials by "Microstarcraft2" are nice. There are two really popular e-sports shoutcasters on Youtube named "Huskystarcraft" and "HDstarcraft." They have tutorials, build orders, and game commentary. I would say their biggest flaws are their weak color commentary (for e-sports shoutcasters) and a lack of in-depth analysis. There's a really nifty 9-part series called 'I Suck At Starcraft2" by a user named " TotalHalibut" which is done blog-style as the user gets used to the game and progresses. Day9 has a Youtube channel with a lot of his content, but his "day9 Daily" podcast is on blipTV (just google it) and it's the best in-game analysis I've come across so far. He'll spend about an hour covering one or two games and pause several times to really get into the nitty gritty. For all the time I spent watching Youtube guides and replays, I feel like Day9's vidcast singlehandedly helped me improve the most.
This website: has some great tips on units, what they are good vs. what they aren't good vs. and strategies for how to use them. One good example is here: Also, all of their videos are on their Youtube channel or are viewable by going around the site. Hope that helps. =)