Anyone got a guest pass for someone who's never played any SC before and needs to decide between this and Civ 5? I'm in the EU, if it matters. Thanks!
I don't have a guest pass available but I'd say.. get both. I've played CIV IV and it isn't in any way comparable to Starcraft. It is a fun, and very time consuming, but entirely different to the intense and typically quick games of Starcraft (2). I play SC2 or Civ IV at different times depending on my mood. I don't understand how you could decide between the two.
CIV series is less visual but more technical. It probably takes more time to master CIV than starcraft. Yet, if you have less time on your hands per day you should go with SC which gives you spurts of fun. For CIV you have to be committed and with the "one more" round addiction you will never get off your seat (we all know that)