It might work for other nvdia cards as well. Basicly I found out that the hard crashes were caused by these settings: SHADOWS MEDIUM,HIGH... PORTRAITS OF UNITS AND ADJUTANT&MSGS: in general, disable them (3d animation etc). After that crashes stopped, and I could put rest settings on high or ultra.(except lights) VARIABLES.TXT , I putted it on read only to prevent game rollbacking old settings. alphadepthWrite=0 aolight=0 creepnormalmap=1 creepQuality=2 creepreflection=1 creepselfshadow=1 creeptrans=1 deff=0 deffspec=0 depthDisp=0 displaymode=2 displayunitstatus=All dof=0 fogvolume=0 foliagedensity=0.500000 foliagequality=2 frameratecap=60 frameratecapGlue=30 gamehdr8bit=1 GraphicsOptionEffectsDetail=2 GraphicsOptionLightingQuality=0 GraphicsOptionModelQuality=2 GraphicsOptionMovies=3 GraphicsOptionOverallQualityVer7[5]=4 GraphicsOptionPhysicsQuality=2 GraphicsOptionPortraits=0 GraphicsOptionPostProcessing=1 GraphicsOptionReflections=2 GraphicsOptionShaderDetail=3 GraphicsOptionShadowQuality=0 GraphicsOptionTerrainQuality=2 GraphicsOptionTextureQuality[2]=2 halo=1 hdr=0 hdr8bit=1 height=1200 LastChallengeId=TerranCombat lastDeviceId=1553 lightingLevel=0 lightmap=1 lightmapcastshadows=0 localao=0 localeidassets=enGB localeiddata=enGB localight=0 localShadows=0 lowqualitymodels=0 lowQualityMovies=0 MoviesSeen=1 MusicContinuous=1 MusicHeard=1 musicvolume=1.000000 normalmap=0 parallax=0 parallaxshadow=0 particlelod=2 particleobjects=0.700000 particleterrain=0.850000 physicsdensity=10 pixellight=0 portraits3d=0 preBlendedCreep=0 profanityfilter=0 refreshrate=75 reverb=0 ribbonlod=2 sampleFOW=0 shadowmapsize=512 shadows=0 simplifiedCloaking=1 simplifiedShaders=1 soft=0 softshadows=0 softshadowTaps=6 soundambiencevolume=0.473310 SoundAutoDetectCPUCoreCount=2 soundchannels=16 soundeffectsvolume=0.483986 soundglobal=1 soundoutput=Realtek HD Audio output SoundQuality=0 SoundResampler=NOINTERP SoundSampleRate=22050 sounduivolume=0.480427 speakermode=Mono spec=0 splatlod=2 subtitles=1 targettexeldensity=1.400000 TerrainTextureHiResCacheSize=8 TerrainTextureLowResCacheSize=50 TerrainTextureSize=768 texQualityLevel=2 texSpace[2]=590 textureBasedFOW=0 toasts=0 transparentshadows=0 treadlod=2 useLowqualitymodels=0 voicechatsoftwaremute=0 watercaustics=0 waterflipbook=1 waterreflection=1 waterrendertargetformat=2 waterrendertargetsize=1024 watershadow=0 width=1600 windowstate=1 windowx=0 windowy=99 nvidia control panel all set to maximum quality or application controlled fan speed set to automatic (newest nvidia drivers) it never passess 80% while SC2 Overheating isnt the issue, since I remember my card running over 100C and not crashing,while SC2 crashed on normal temps 60-68c. Also, repaste the thermal paste if u get over 100C with normal cooling and no dust, my paste was applied horrible, temps dropped over 30C after it.
Maybe its just the portraits, my card usualy runs sluggish with shadows on, so I didnt bother to test with shadows on and portraits&animation off, got tired after like 100+hard crashes to test more.
Wow, that is without a doubt the overheating issue! 100C DAMN that is twice what you want it! Generally, I don't like hardware going over 45C under load, but people seem to have higher and higher tolerances for what is okay thanks to the ridiculous video cards that have been coming out lately. You do have the frame cap in place.. so... we need to find you a tool to force your videocard to 100% fan while gaming. Last I knew, Rivatuner allowed for that, but its been awhile since I've used it. Someone else might know of an easier tool to get that fan running full blast while StarCraft II is opening. I really hate variable fans... If the game is still hardlocking, you may just have to "join the club" of people who have toasted their video cards thanks to this ridiculous issue. (I would check other games to see if they are hardlocking too.)
Hey m8, I dont get any crashes any more I posted this to help others. The variables file works now. The overheating happened until I fixed thermal paste on card. (factory paste was ****) The frameratecap is in it in the middle.