yo. never played SC before until 1 week ago. my ratio is somethin like 50w 55L still a noob obviously. ive generally been playing with protoss. I find the carriers and void rays immense.. win a lot of games if i manage to get them out. But the problem is i kept getting rushed and obviously its a risky tactic going straight for void rays so ive been trying to build a ground army to defend with in the start of games. Problem im having is my protoss ground armies seem to get decimated by everything and i lost these games very early. If i play against terran i usually get maurauder marine rushed and my ground army is too weak. Playing against zerg i get rushed even worse. I was winning more games by taking a big risk and void/carrier rushing i was actualy in a positive ratio. Then after i started trying to build a ground army i just keep getting rushed and the protoss army never stands up. is anyone else finding protoss ground realy weak and have any tips? i can actualy play ground pretty well with terran win alot more games with them than protoss ground defense thats for sure.
Fast teching declines as you go up in the ranks. Early pressure allows a player to possibly end the game/ catch you offguard and use their MICRO to defeat your units and pressure you into a loss. My suggestion would be to learn the basic unit combinations of tier 1 and 1.5. Sentries/Stalkers/Zealots if used correctly (aka your micromanagement of these units) should allow you to fend off any early rusher as long as you are prepared. Check your build order to see where you can improve to either pump out more early game units or to offer you tech options. 2 Gateways, Cybernetics Core, with a choke should offer you enough potential to live through many rushes. Chrono boost <3.
If you just want a ground army to hold off early rushes, get zealots + lots of sentries. It's by far the best counter to any low-tech army from other races if you use force fields well. MM gets ripped apart, it doesn't matter how slow zealots move when hit by concussive shells, when the entire terran force is trapped between a huge wall and 16 blade-wielding fanatics. Roaches meet the same fate, and against zerglings you can either make your choke points even smaller so only 1-2 zerglings can fight at a time, or just place a few force fields around your army so you can't be fully surrounded. Obviously such a strategy won't work against higher tech, but you are getting void rays and carriers so you have that covered.
I would get a combined army of zealots+stalkers+sentries. Sentries to forcefield and split their armies up (or block of certain choke points) , zealots to DPS and stalkers for support and to chase any runaways. Then just tech up like usual.
This is an excellent point, Sentries are very important early game because protoss units do not come as fast as the other races, but they have amazing potential. Splitting up your opponents units will get you to win you need to tech out to void rays or whatever you use. Personally against terran though I would make some immortals with those void rays.
ok ive been playin alot of starcraft ... ive got alot better at protoss now. im holding roughly 20th in gold league but i have good and bad patches still.. heres some tactive i have been using. had good and bad streaks using all strategies so far. choices: 9- pylon 12- gateway x2 scout zealots for early defense or rush depending on scout and then from there depends on what your scout is saying. or the other choice would be 9-pylon, 13gateway, 17 2xgateway , cyber, mass. will need robotics in this too. funny thing is after starting to rush people and getting beat by a decent defensive player i started going for more economy build for bigger armies but then found i started getting rushed in the way i was rushing people before... the second choice is more powerfull if the enemy is not early rushing u. first choice will cut the enemys rush off or leave u being able to rush him. risky in long run. rock, paper scissors anyone?
I think sentries FF and zealots/stalkers are good matches against enemy rushes of anytype. Its just a matter of execution. But its quite true that terran really tends to dominate ground force 60% of the time.
Dude, I'm in the exact same boat. I was 12 for 20 top 10 gold rank just using voids all last week (when I started playing II). I read up on some strategies and tried to implement them to make my play more competitive for the next league, and NONE of it worked. If I photon canon rush they kill it too easily. If I go defensive with 5 zealots and a few photon cannons while working on bigger tech, I kill slammed by marauders and hydras TWICE my armies size. If I try to double gate and go stalkers I'm always running out of minerals and the other toss or terran has even MORE stalkers or mauraders. (zergs always got mutas by the time I've got 10 stalkers.) I'm just at a loss. As a test, I went void rush for the last few games. DECIMATED at gold once again. I switched back to ground armies and did so horrible that I got bumped down to silver. >=\>=\>=\>=\ [posted this before reading the thread, so hopefull i'll pick up some usefull info]