grizzly hills, a bear mistake(kudo's for the people who find the reference)

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by ijffdrie, Dec 11, 2008.

grizzly hills, a bear mistake(kudo's for the people who find the reference)

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by ijffdrie, Dec 11, 2008.

  1. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    i have been playing WotLK for a few weeks now, i am trying to do all the zones, so i know all the cool new lore(hell yeah), but there is one zone that really doesnt work for me: grizzly hills. all the other zones have something special about them, even most of the original WoW zones had something unique in their description, but the grizzly hills just have nothing special about them.
    Borean Tundra: landing place of the warsong offensive, home of the blue dragonflight
    Howling Fjord: landing place of the hand of vengeance, home of the Vrykul.
    Dragonblight: the ancient burial grounds of the five great dragonflights, location of the nexus wars and of angrathar, the wrath gate and the dread citadel of naxxramas
    Sholazar Basin: testing ground of the Titans, home of the nesingwary expedition and the wolvar/oracle wars
    icecrown: center of the scourge empire, throne of King Arthas
    Zul'drak : former home of the ancient nerubian empire, now being fought over by the argent crusade and the Scourge legions
    Storm peaks: the crown of the world, location of the Titan city of ulduar and centre of the storm giant lands

    Grizzly hills: it has vrykul furbolgs and ice trolls.

    hte grizzly hills has quite an original concept, but blizzard has made a lot of mistakes with this zone.
    I'll start with the furbolgs, a race familiar to WC3; they are centered around the third world tree, that for some weird reason, has been placed in one of the most dangerous regions in the world, while the concept is decent enough, it just isnt appeasing enough. The furbolgs here have been made into mindless aggresive drones while their Old God leader remains unseen. It's a shame that since you cant actually interact with the Old God, you are limited to the endless legions of boring mindless drones.

    And here is yet another group of Trolls that has alligned itself with the scourge and build themselves a giant keep( seems familiar to you?), being an exact copy of the trolls in the ghostlands.

    There is one very interesting thing about this region though: Arugal(yes, the very same from shadowfang keep) has returned with his Worgen. But Arugal and the worgen just arent enough of a presence to impress the average adventurer, and are treated more like a noteworthy detail in the quest series
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2008
  2. Redlazer

    Redlazer New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    Well, the idea behind Grizzly Hills is that it's one of the few unscarred areas left; it's still very natural and pristine.. sure, there might not be anything crazy going on, but it's damn impressive. Blizzard made a really beautiful areas with the Grizzly Hills.
  3. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    few unscarred areas?

    you mean like crystalsong forest? or sholazar basin? are there even scourge in storm peaks?
  4. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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  5. Redlazer

    Redlazer New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    1st off. . . ;D
    Few =| one
    Few = A small number of. . .
    Unscarred doesn't necessarily mean Scourge-less

    The Scourge walled themselves off from Crystalsong forest because of the protective magic in the forest. There's still a blighted area though, coming out from the wall.

    Sholazar Basin has been invaded by the Scourge, one of the pylons there has fallen and they've taken the opportunity to seep in.

    There's no Scourge activity really in the Storm Peaks, but there's nothing really left there. It's pretty devoid of wildlife or anything; besides the Storm Giants and their cities.

    There's no Scourge in the Stonetalon Mountains, but the Windshear Crag definitely couldn't be called unscarred.