Hey everyone! I'm known as the morgwar and happened to stumble upon this forums. So me being an avid starcraft fan I figured; why not? So here I am I've had the original stacraft for several years now and can't wait until the second one comes out.
Welcome. You passed the initiation test by doing the only thing logical - steal the free food. You're now one of us.
Welcome welcome. WELCOME, welcome. Welcome. Welcome you're welcome Welcome. Sorry, religions class is boring
hello, i am creative conductor ijffdrie, creator of shadowangel if you become a senior member, i will start to annoy you
Reaperoff communism? I am interested in looking further into your ideology, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
OH my, you stumbled here? You didn't break anything on your way in did you? Well welcome to the forums anyways, Please report lost and stolen limbs or organs immediatley, and stay away from darkone, he bites.