Good day to you comrades, I came all the way from ze Old Country where men are men, women are men and children are FBI, just to see your style of living and give my report back to Stalin the Glorious. So allow to introduce myself: <img src=""> I am Comrade Ivan Tolstoy, for the capitalist known as SubTachyon. I live near Noril'sk in north USSR, but at the moment I live in Czech Republic in Prague to study the strange behaviour of creatures known as capitalists. You might know me from the "incident" in Chernobyl which of course never happened and you never heard me saying anything about the radioactive waste slowly moving towards USA coast. Here in Prague I discovered the internet, while searching for hidden CIA files I found very fun game called Starcraft. At first I was very confused since the only game I played was Tetris. My hobbies are Physics, Computers, studying Capitalism and spreading the social ideology. My favourite drink is of course Vodka, the only drink that stays in liquid form during harsh Russian weather (Russian average temperature is ?189 °C and maximum temperature ever recorded is ?22 °C). Our major exports are Vodka, missplaced nukes and spare AK-47 parts, due to immense amount of imported snow and ice we declared snow to be our form of currency. With so much snow around, equally spread across our social population, we are the richest country in the world! In your face Imperalists!
Haha, we really do have a lot in common. I'm Comrade GM_k, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Space Junk. Do visit Space Junk, that's where we are all trying to build a socialist paradise...With reasonable success...
Allied Forces! stop the soviet union! cast weather storm! station your mirage tanks! prepare the grand cannons! launch a prism grid lock! stop the apocalypse! hi..
Welcome to the InternationStarcraftCommunityofSocialSkillsWheretobecomeFriendsoftheUnitedAlliedForcesofHelpfulCommunism oh btw I AM THE ONLY TORRASQUE HERE! have a nice day :good:
In Soviet Space Junk forum reads you === Welcome unfortunateley I havent seen any snow here so you will have to make do with dirt and rocks
Welcome Comrade! This Forum Is just the right place for you! Check out my new topic communism land (also known as space junk), also never visit the countdown thread, its USA trying to bomb us, so you know what happends at 0!
Thanks everyone. BirdofPrey: You see, USSR is getting into some troubles since the Global Wamring is ruining our economy so we might change to rock and dirt soon.