Hi I'm LordArreat15 from Scrolls of Lore or SoL for short, a warcraft lore forum site. (Any SoL members here? *Looks around*) I came here to this forum to express my thoughts on SC lore and such, recently been to SC2 Armory and that site is little to extreme for little 'ol me, so I thought of checking this one out. So I hope this forum will welcome me. (Though I'm sorry if my writing seems plain or makes no sense in the future.) Starcraft was the first Blizzard game I every played and I fell for the lore which lead onto warcraft. Fan of WH40K lore, have all the blizzard novels expect the wc and sc archives and the mangas. I try to keep anything personal private if anyone wants to know. I'll tell it basic info if you with (or need) to know.
Welcome to the forum. I'm Fenix. Just a heads up, don't quote the guy above you. A lame rule, but a rule all the same.
I AM LENGA all that live shall serve me untill i grow bored of them then they will serve Kurai and after she is bored with them they shall serve darkone and then you are pretty much done welcome
In b4 ijfd... crap. Welcome to the forums LordArreat. If you are a fan of lore, visit the Fan Fiction board. It should contain plenty of stories to keep you busy for a while. Or maybe add one of your own?
Thanks guys! Aurora I'll make fan fic soon, kind of in the middle of a debate of what to write. :unsure: There only 14 fanfic, I expected there would be more here.
yeah, about there being only 14 fanfics, the truth is, we suck at writing *dodges various sharp objects*
My name is SOGEKING, from the Sharpshooters Island (even if my avatar does not reflect what I am saying). Welcome to the forum !