Hi my name is Christian :thumbup:, if u really care =). I'm 19 and I'm a Sweed, that's Sweet ^_^ ,was introduced to starcraft, then BW then hooked. As we all know Starcraft is the, THE greatest RTS game. So when I saw Starcraft2 demo it was like a dream come true. This is a great sight so far, and I like to responses that everyone gives each other. Positive, yet realistiskt. All I can say now. AddictedGhost, I really wanted AddictedZealot, but only 13 letters . I sure hope Blizzard still has 15 limit, or more. =) Cya out in the world of Starcraft! Thx for all your responses. :good: P.S. I need some Avatars, anyone that has any hints where I can get some good ones?
Re: Greetings Executar! Hello Welcome to the forums. You can just get w/e you like as an Avatar ^^, it really depends what you like, not what other people like. Try on The Animated O RLY Pimp Mobile in your sig ^^ it looks... i don't know Looks cool but hurt my eyes
Re: Greetings Executar! O rly pimp mobile? Its magnificence really does HURT! Join today to get 1 free visit to the dentist!* *conditions apply
starcraft isnt the greatest RTS game, warhammer dawn of war is! BTW Welcome and I hope we can get along in the forum
You guys are insane ;D When I think of being greeted by pimp mobiles and ijffdries who claim to be 2 persons... I question this forum's userfriendliness ;D ps corey, prepare to be pulverized
We must eliminate this coreyb immediately!....oh wait he's already gone Sorry i forgot to say this, Welcome to the forums! and remember i'm the only Torrasque...
I, the Pokemon Lord, welcome you. Make your stay an eventfull one, and glance over the forum rules if you feel like it.
Watch You mouth that is HERESY! You will pay for that > Just watch, just watch. Ninjas assemble! KILL THE HERETIC!