Graphic Issue

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by k4l45, Oct 24, 2010.

Graphic Issue

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by k4l45, Oct 24, 2010.

  1. k4l45

    k4l45 Guest

    Hey I am new to this forum, since I really just got this game on friday.

    When I got it, I was super stoked to play. When I first installed it, it took me an hour and a half or a little less to have the installation and the patching to finish. Is that normal? Afterwords, when I open the game, I can see the menu fine, when I log in and everything. The Menu that says start campaign or turtorials, that works to. But when I press start campaign, the screen goes black except for the loading bar on the bottom. Once it loads, the opening scene of the campaign begins. The problem is, is that I cannot see anything, I can hear sounds, and actually some lights. I can see little dots, but I cant see anything besides that at all. Everything is just black. Then he puts down a glass, and he puts some orange liquid in it. Which are really cruddy in terms of graphics. I can see no color besides that. Then when I turn to the mission start, well not really the mission start, the mission menu. I can move my mouse around where it says different thing. but I cant see anything except for the bar on the bottom that says Close. When I finally found launch mission, I couldn't see anything except the buttons on the top that say things like Menu [f10]

    I have all the requirements that was required to install, have any idea whats wrong?
  2. blesseddevon

    blesseddevon New Member

    Nov 6, 2010
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    I am having this exact same problem.....someone help please