[img width=500 height=219]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2266/2212954786_ae25746dc6_o.jpg[/img] Gosugamers.net, a big name tournament site that supposedly caters to some of the best players Starcraft has to offer, has forfeited in the first round of the Fansite 2v2 Tournament by not showing up. I'm supposing they just don't care about community events? Also, ICCup, a Russian fansite (and also another big-name site) has forfeited as well by non-attendance as is outlined on Starfeeder.com here: ICCup Forfeits Source: Starfeeder.com
Yeah I think Gosugamers were :sleeping: on their butts... also like to mention that the other big competitive site teamliquid also dropped out, but they did so before the start of the tournament. I guess they all felt if its too hot in the kitchen stay out
Well I'll have you know that we're one of, if not THE largest Starcraft 2 Dedicated Fansite. Sure, GG.net, ICCUP, and GameReplays beat us, but they're for a number of different games, not just SC2.
Joneagle i know. You think im completly retarded? But that gosugamers, one of the biggest SC1 sites, forfeits, shows that we even kick them in SC1.