Good ZPvsAnything Strat + Replay of Strat

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Takaim, Oct 6, 2010.

Good ZPvsAnything Strat + Replay of Strat

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Takaim, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. Takaim

    Takaim Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Now, this strat was used in silver, bronze, and gold and it worked in EVERY single match. (I think like 9-11 matches in a row) I'm not saying it's a perfect strat but it's a pretty good one. This strategy is for a Zerg and Protoss team versus what seems any team. I didn't encounter anything that worked against it.

    To start, the zerg goes for a macro build, 10 pooling, and then just pumping drones and eventually extractors. Get a queen ASAP and tech up to lair when you can. Pumping out a handful of lings or a spine crawler if neccisary. Be stingy with minerals though, except for on drones because you are about to make a crap ton of mutas.

    The Protoss while all of this is going on is playing defense, massing pure zlots, getting a few gates up, and spending very to little gas. The toss should get two assimilators though to mass gas for the zerg. Once the zergs spire comes up all the gas should be given to the zerg. The only gas that should be spend should be on warp gates upgrade, and if you can get it up in time the zlot speed upgrade.

    The toss should have plenty of gas to add onto the zerg's gas which should be in the 500 range. One of the times I did this strat I ended up being able to pump out 12 mutas on the first go. No one's expecting that many mutas that early. Anyway... Once the zerg pumps out the mutas the toss simply pumps zlots with speed upgrades, and eventually pumps out high templars with storm and goes pure zlots and high temps/archons.

    The zerg should continue to inject larva and pump out mutas and lings occasionally and eventually expand. If you arn't a pro you're deffinetly gonna have a crap ton of minerals to spend so you shouldn't be shy about expanding out. The point of the zerg in this strat is to constantly harrass. Take out supply lines, depots, ovies, pylons, stray units, anything and everything you can hurt. You'd be surprised how people panic during harrasing and really slow down. The other thing the zerg is for is when the protoss attacks, the zerg backs up the teamates force after the enemies force gets stormed by the high templars.

    The protoss is the muscle behind this strat. It's job is to mass zlots, templars, and archons and steamrole/severly mutilate the enemies forces. Chances are terran go mass marines, which gets raped by storm. Zerg is going to go muta's or hydras which is also raped by storm. Protoss is the hardest though if they mass stalkers as storm doesn't do as much damage to them as they have more health. Regardless, with 24 mutas and 50 lots it's hard for any one army to stand up to this attacks.

    This strat is pretty micro instensive and requires the zerg to be good with making units and microing at the same time. Good luck and have fun. ;D Lemme know if you make any good alterations to this tactic.

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  2. Gforce

    Gforce New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    hmm, massed thors can take the mutas out quick and if the terran is compitent he will have at least 3 sieges with a big ball of rines and maruaders. The HT can quickly be negated with ghosts in the right spot. Though your strat is good and very deadly.
  3. Takaim

    Takaim Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    It works with ZTv?? Teams as well, but it's a lot harder.

    Terran goes mass rines and spend very little gas. Something like reactors or something would be fine, and once the mutas are out the terran should mass marines and maurader or tanks and rines.

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  4. Xern

    Xern New Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    Sounds good. I also like PT strategy, where terran takes all the expansions (he can mine faster with MULE's) and sends P minerals. Protoss makes a bunch of warpgates early and pumps out fast 200 / 200 gateway army. If the attack didn't finish everything off he makes another army instantly.
  5. Takaim

    Takaim Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Yeah, I've done that strat a lot as well. Doesn't work as well as you think. The beggining of the game is a pain in th eass if the other players are good because they get up an army stronger than the protoss's.
  6. KHaYMaN

    KHaYMaN New Member

    May 1, 2010
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    I didn't watch the replay, but from your description it sounds like it would never work in higher leagues. The zerg player would get taken out imo. You're just too dependent on 1 player fending off two players for BOTH players, something not really possible on all but 1 or 2 maps, and much harder if your partner is zerg. Also, you have to rely too much that a T or Z opponent won't get their anti mass tier 1 (i.e. banelings or hellions), which will chew up the zealot defense.

    Now, if the opponents just let it be until that spire pops, that's a different story. But at least in 2v2 random league I find my opponents tend to scout and attack and not be so gracious, and I would imagine 2v2 arranged teams would make matters worse, not better.
  7. Xern

    Xern New Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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  8. zhengwei

    zhengwei New Member

    Oct 8, 2010
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    it sounds like it would never work in higher leagues. The zerg player would get taken out imo. You're just too dependent on 1 player fending off two players for BOTH players, something not really possible on all but 1 or 2 maps, and much harder if your partner is zerg. Also, you have to rely too much that a T or Z opponent won't get their anti mass tier 1 (i.e. banelings or hellions), which will chew up the zealot defense.
  9. Takaim

    Takaim Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    I don't look online for strats. o.o Me and my friend made it up ourselves. If it's already out there then it's out there. And now I feel less cool. T-T
  10. Xern

    Xern New Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    I don't know, that's pretty pro if you made up a viable strat :)
  11. Takaim

    Takaim Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    :D <3 I thought I was cool.

    Alright, to the guy who stated it's too difficult for one guy to take on 2 guys. It IS possible. I had a few games where that was really put to the test. It still works. Had two zergs rushing in roaches. And everyone knows zeolots vs roaches isn't a very good match up for the lots. But my partner pumped out lings as needed, and I just kept microing the lots along with running my probes in to help the lots. Though I lost a LOT of units, probes, and was slowed way down, I was still able to give my partner who was the zerg over 600 gas. I ended up switching from trying to get the lots up along with the temps to just mining gas a minerals and giving them to my partner.

    Sure this strat wont work every time...though it has for me in the last 20 games except for once...but it is very good.
  12. KHaYMaN

    KHaYMaN New Member

    May 1, 2010
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    You'll note that the teamliquid site also reaffirms that this strategy is only really viable on maps with shared chokes (such as twilight fortress) and is very vulnerable to anything that can pass a choke block...listing speedlings, reapers and early stalkers with blink.

    Nor does walling off completely necessarily stop the zerg player. If it were me I'd already be planning a baneling bust, nor is that an unusual strat.

    So while I do think it can work in certain situations, as I said before I think it is very dependent on the circumstances and not at all a vs everything kind of deal. And given that I'm a zerg player and how I tend to play zerg it'd be more likely a free win for me than not >:D.

    Still, definitely viable, especially if you remain flexible as to what you build in terms of defense/expansion, etc. I'm a little surprise that the basic strat seems to tech so late though....unless a fast tech finishes the spire before you can trade gas?
  13. Takaim

    Takaim Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    I think a fast tech would finish roughly the same time as the resource trading timer ran down but I'm not sure. Never times the fast tech to mutas. I think it's a better idea though for the zerg to macro up a bit and not fast tech because if you fast tech you're losing minerals and such and the extra things might be needed for lings incase the toss can't handle it.
  14. CryMoreNoobs

    CryMoreNoobs New Member

    Oct 18, 2010
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    Yeah, this will probably work fine for the lower leagues.

    A better way to go about it would be to have zerg fast expand, I say this for a couple of reasons:

    1) If you're relying on protoss to defend for the both of you then you really want them to have a more diverse army than just some other people have noted, zealots will take a beating from splash units.

    2) Zerg can nearly achieve the same amount of gas by themselves if they fast expand and then saturate all 4 geysers...if protoss is handling the defenses then zerg can devote themselves to economy production

    3) The extra larvae from a second hatch will facilitate muta production once you have the economy to produce them, they will also allow you to get some supplementary zerglings with your excess minerals (if you don't need zerglings, then make a second expo with your excess minerals)
  15. Takaim

    Takaim Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    That is true, but the whole thing behind this is to get a lot of mutas out as fast as possible and making spending another 650+ minerals would only slow it down that much more.
  16. CryMoreNoobs

    CryMoreNoobs New Member

    Oct 18, 2010
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    As long as you fast gas (not all of your gas at once, be realistic) and then rush lair and spire, the extra little while it will take to wait on minerals won't make much of a difference. When spire pops you want to get flyer attack 1 right away, but you don't need to build your whole muta force RIGHT that second.

    You say that fast expanding would cost you 650+ minerals...I really don't think you're taking into account the extra drones that you can put on mineral harvesting from all of those additional larvae. If you still want to have your partner send you gas, it would work just fine. The only difference would be that you could get a 6 geyser muta force up rather than a 4 geyser force. The limiting factor on muta production is almost always gas.

    As for situations in which you need to help your partner defend, I feel like a strong economy is going to take you much further in assisting your ally than some spare minerals you have lying around that you weren't planning on using.

    Additionally...if your opponents counter your mutas very well and you are forced to change your army build, this is going to be MUCH easier with a strong economy running. You will need to get buildings and upgrades started, and then still have the resources to pump out a nice army. Furthermore, if you don't have an expansion and need to change your build at the drop of a hat, you won't have the larvae to mass produce other units.

    Disclaimer: A fast expo with a fast tech is very vulnerable to rushes, make sure your dedicated defender ally has a very good force and hopefully some anti-mass as early as possible.