Good Ol' Mandelbrot

Discussion in 'The Arts' started by Firebat-Guy, Oct 17, 2009.

Good Ol' Mandelbrot

Discussion in 'The Arts' started by Firebat-Guy, Oct 17, 2009.

  1. Firebat-Guy

    Firebat-Guy Guest

    Felt like making this interesting little project. It's an application that will let you zoom in / out of the mandelbrot set.

    Mandelbrot Set

    How to use:
    Drag to zoom into an area.
    Use the buttons on the bottom of the GUI to zoom by a factor of 2.
    Use the slider to manage the level of detail ( For anyone who's curious, this actually controls the maximum number of iterations the program uses to determine if a given point escapes to infinity).

    Animation actually created using this program:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2009