In light of the Olympics, I'm gonna try and break the world record from the longest time spent sleeping, so I won't be on for a week. ...Either that or I'm going to the snow on camp for a week. You decide...
If you are plannig on sleeping for a week you should start by staying awake for a few weeks so you are actually tired enough for it. Be warned though you start losing your mental faculties after a couple of days and don't be surprised if you can't remember anything.
sleeping for a week?!...your gna be bored as...and then go nuts after.... but yeah, if your going camp...have fun!! =]
*Yawns* G'morning... What'd I miss? Seriously, if your waiting for my reply to a discussion I was in prior to my slumber, you may wish to remind me if you'd like to continue it. Seriously, I've probably forgotten most of them. Cheers to the mods for keeping everything in order while I was sleeping. Special thanks to LordKerwyn for stamping down on the threads upon threads of jiffyspam that seemed to erupt in my absence. Lastly, if you voted for camp, you underestimate my power.
Touche, Fenix... Touche. But seriously, I didn't really miss them. Go Australia for coming sixth! *Itza struts his funky stuff*