Good Job Blizzard

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Babmer, Feb 11, 2008.

Good Job Blizzard

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Babmer, Feb 11, 2008.

  1. Babmer

    Babmer Guest

    Just thought i would say Good Job blizzard because so far starcraft 2 is looking great, the opening scene in the 22 min gameplay video (the one released when sc2 was announced in korea) makes sc2, in my opinion the best looking RTS i have seen so far, not realism wise but the art style and direction is stunning. The texture work is very well blended and melds extremely well with the chosen doodads, giving the space platform a really nice feel..... (but bleh gameplay is ofc also important :p)

    So many complaint posts and worries about sc2 atm.. with so few posts praising what has been done well in peoples opinion, imo blizzard need some love.
    So yeah, kudos to the sc2 team! keep up the good work and dont ruin it with such bright unrealistic team colours :)

    Am i being silly to believe that blizzard reads these boards? or... :s
  2. L89

    L89 New Member

    Jul 8, 2007
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    If they need these boards then good...attention is always nice. But if they don't need these boards...well, probably they are working their a$$es off marching SC2 towards perfection. As for giving them love...I doubt they are going to become depressed and suicidal by listening to the rants of ultimately their most sincerest fanboys (men) or girls (women). We want a brilliant result also so they should be able to cope with any complaints - however emotional they sometimes are - knowing that it is for the sake of constructive criticism.

    FInally, SC2 is the next big thing and they of all people will understand the love they are going be showered upon when the doors burst open at Blizzard and the sales start pouring out. CHi-CHING$$ <$ :good:

    But yeah I totally concur...what we've seen so far is totally awesome. Big hug Blizzard ;D