We've known for a while that most of the old (if not all) StarCraft:BW units will be available in the map editor. In an interview with Dustin Browder, Chris Sigaty and Bob Colayco by Giantbomb.com they reveal that those units might be used in the single play campaign as well as purchasable units. Since you talk about there being so many choices on the tech side in the campaign, are there any differences between the units and the tech in the campaign, and what you're going to see in the multiplayer? Is there single-player-specific stuff? quote from blizzard: Does this really mean we might be able to purchase old units and use it in the campaign? discuss. =] source: www.Giantbomb.com
Warning: WarCraft III reference follows. I think it would be totally awesome if during the Terran campaign, you run across the merc outposts like in War III. In these outposts, you can hire older SC units (The afore mentioned ones)
in the Campeign you will be able to play with certain units that in multi-player you cant. also for map editor theyll be making units from Brood War be able to be used on the Custom maps, also i think theyll let you use them on "Use Map Settings" on Bettle.net. but mutliplayer games of TvB and Melee wont have these kinds of units. -Zerks
Dont you guys think starcraft 1 units should just be in the editor. Im not saying this is a bad idea i like it. Buhht having old units in sc2 campaign is abit...meh? lol
As long as they're not trainable, I'm all for it. Think about it. Raynor's, for lack of a better word, poor. He can't afford all the kickass newfangled stuff like the UED can, so he has to make do with older tech. Obviously, he can afford some new stuff, but when you're a soldier of fortune, living one job to the next, it's nice to be a little bit cheaper, so you have that much more money to spend on booze. Of course, that's from a lore standpoint, I dunno how'd they'd explain it from a gameplay standpoint
There were plenty of special units you could train and use in the Warcraft 3 campaigns you can't in standard melee games, like the Draïnei or the Nagas. I see absolutely no reason why the SC2 campaigns, based on the same technology and I think the same development and creative teams, and which are officially a "trilogy", so supposed to be longer, deeper etc, would only enable you to use classic SC2 units. Cheap, out-of-date and bad units would add to the atmosphere of some guerilla-style missions, and clearly tell to the wannabe-mappers "hey, see what you can do with the level editor?". This way, you will not have the same build order in every mission of the game: worker, worker, worker, worker, supply depot, worker, worker, tier1 barracks, worker, turret, tier1 fighter, turret, tier1 fighter, worker, gas refinery building, worker, supply depot, tier1 fighter, worker, send pack of tier1 fighter scout some new areas, worker, tier1 fighters, (found expansion site), send worker to expansion site, turret, tier1 fighter, turret, command center, worker, worker, supply depot, worker, worker, turret, turret, turret, advanced building, advanced building, supply depot, upgrade building of that unit you are about to mass, that unit you are about to mass x 99, worker, send that unit you massed like hell to attack-move in the other corner of the map, repair, medic, support unit, turret blabla, victory, next, repeat.
Indeed, im glad to see this is in, and hopefully completely trainable at points in the campaign, If you want classic starcraft 2 you should play melee tbh .