going back and forth...

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by MPower, Jul 17, 2010.

going back and forth...

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by MPower, Jul 17, 2010.

  1. MPower

    MPower New Member

    May 5, 2010
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    One day I'll be confident buying SC2, exited and the next I'll say... UMS are going to be horrible, game lags when there are 30 units fighting each other..
    Then I go wow its going to be so much fun having a clan/friends and always playing together etc.

    I think Im just thinking these things because thats what BROOD WAR WAS, and Sc2 is nothing close...
    UMS used to be epic... Amazing Mass games stacked cannon defense. I just played stacked cannon defense and the game started to lag to hell(Note im always the last one to "slow the game down")

    Basically I'm sort of calmed down from this hype of sc2 and actually looking at this game.
    Sure the melee is GREAT, but then again playing that every day isn't going to be much fun. Plus Im taking 15 units in college and going to the gym, I'd rather spend my time playing video games then "training" melee.

    What do you guys think about this matter?
    Is the game REALLY worth it?
    Note please understand my circumstance, I dont have a lot of time/money. I'm in college money/time is very tight.
  2. userstupidname

    userstupidname New Member

    Nov 21, 2009
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    Well as you are in college I expect you will have very very less time on your hands.

    And therefor I just want to say this first is: I think personally that the campaign will just be massively epic and now double that if you only get to play some few times per day
    (Remember playing max payne university years just dying to get home)

    I think the campaign will really be greater then sc1 with deeper interaction etc.

    Now about multiplayer: What are you worried about? The editor is so much more powerful now so you will probably see tons of custom games to entertain you for years to come.

    It is a definitely game to get compared to other games.
    However really deep down personally I am a little weary but that is mainly over how quickly I got bored over bad company 2 which I sunk 50 dollars in just completely being a waist.

    SO if its really really tight, just give it some and check it out from all points of views and especially go price hunting.
    Ebay, amazon anything just get it as cheapest as possible

    Also by GOD check for deals, I am currently having this super hobo luck as my store got this - pre order for 1 buck if you give in two playstation37xbox games
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2010
  3. MPower

    MPower New Member

    May 5, 2010
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    I agree with the custom maps part but im talking about the lag of it..
    I know some games will be great but some wont, plus whats up with mapmakers only getting to make 5 maps? doesnt sound pretty fair? or did they only refer to the "Higher end maps that you have to pay for"
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2010
  4. DarkCommander

    DarkCommander New Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    I think the best way to see if the game is worth the 60$ is to watch some commentary matches in multiplayer(If you plan on playing multiplayer). Basically depending on what you think and on what you plan on doing (Campagne, single player VS AI, Multiplayer or all of them) you should get more info, not on forums, but on videos on youtube, on forums, and any other sorce where you could get a good idea of how much you like the concept, and all the other stuff of campagne, single player, MP.

    Also if you still ain't sure if you will like the game or no, you can wait after the release of the game, wait for the people to play the game, make some videos and posting more stuff about starcraft 2 on forums(this is in case you want more info and have an even better idea of how the game would be if you buy it).

    EDIT: For my part, I am sure I will just love starcraft 2 because the gameplay videos, commentaries and blizzard given info about the game are just positive for me to buy the game.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2010
  5. userstupidname

    userstupidname New Member

    Nov 21, 2009
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    only 5 maps??
    I am so sorry but I have never even heard about this info, where was this stated??
    Because it really sounds horrible and just dumb from blizzard

    However to refrain from that

    I think that nearly every popular sc1 map is going to be remade in sc2 and even many maps from wc3 will probably be in sc2. So about variety I wouldn't worry but yes it might take some time and only the map makers know how much
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2010
  6. sniper64

    sniper64 New Member

    May 13, 2009
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    Upper Michigan, US
    1. Starcraft 2 is worth every cent you will invest. That is, if you enjoy high quality games, RTS games, and or Blizzard Products, not to forget the amazing campaign, which I am to all 4. I realize your in college, so if you think it could distract you, I recommend trying not to get started. I personally do not have much control, once I start playing, I put it over everything except food.

    2. There will be a large number of maps available. All the way from epic risk games, to arcade remakes, all of them will be enjoyable, and I think you should embrace this. The modding community will thrive with the new editor and abilities that will come with it.

    3. If your actually into Starcraft, the melee games will in fact keep you occupied. Blizzard will release more maps, and so will the community.

    Starcraft 2 appeals to a large amount of people. Casual players with the campaign, people more interested in it will be attracted to the fun multi player and campaign, even people who just want to play DoTA ( hell thats all I did on W3.) Then you have the hardcore players who thrive to become better, now you don't have to be that guy. It's your decision, personally I will tell you anybody who enjoys a good game on the PC should absolutely buy it, but if you want to wait and see how it is, that would be a very wise decision.
  7. MPower

    MPower New Member

    May 5, 2010
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    Ive been a starcraft player since Elementary school, I remember drawing battlecruisers in class and getting in trouble.
    I love this game just, i get the time for only 1 game, and I cant exactly waste 60 dollars... Just want to make sure Im getting the right thing here..
    Im looking forward to some Hero Wars/DoTA and all these things but it seems like the maps with more units start to lag
    Nexus Wars after 20 minutes
  8. sniper64

    sniper64 New Member

    May 13, 2009
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    That is nexus wars. Not DoTA, if your a fan enough, you wont mind plopping down 60 bucks to play a few games once in a while.

    Hell, i'll probably drain the 60 bucks in a few days, my playtime will add up.
  9. marinefreak

    marinefreak New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    Nexus wars only ever lagged for me after a 2 hour game where the map broke. Its computer power letting you down i guess, turning down settings might fix it. The 4v4 games i've played almost never lag for me so it may also be an optimisation issue with the editor and how maps are designed so this could also be fixed in later patches.
  10. MPower

    MPower New Member

    May 5, 2010
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    Well I dont know my computer is pretty good, I even turned it all down to LOW but then again there were about 400 units going at each other that could be the case hah
  11. sniper64

    sniper64 New Member

    May 13, 2009
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    My computer only lags when my (brilliant) team decides to go mass carriers, and all of us have about 10-20. Imagine how many interceptors...
  12. MPower

    MPower New Member

    May 5, 2010
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    Im talking about the custom maps..
    i never ever ever lag in 4v4 melee.

    Can i get both sides to this guys?
    I know you all love sc2 etc but do you really think its going to be so epic?
    i love meeting friends and playing with them but no channels?
  13. hertaru

    hertaru Member

    Jul 16, 2010
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    Hey I got a quick question. Im totally new and want to have fun on multiplayer so do you think If i take some time, watch commentaries, and learn the game I will do decent enough? (Im sooo glad there is a ladder system) o and I will play a game for like 3-6 hours at a time If i can but im also involved in alot of sports and school will start in a month! (if i buy i plan to beat campaign then try to play against ai and learn what is good against what get a build order then go to multiplayer)
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2010
  14. MPower

    MPower New Member

    May 5, 2010
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    I would just jump straight into ladder, chances are you will be in copper league and you'll learn a lot as you go. Someone beats you, well now you learn from your mistake etc etc.
    of course after campaign
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2010
  15. hertaru

    hertaru Member

    Jul 16, 2010
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    This is exactly what ima do cause im new :D
  16. BambooPanda

    BambooPanda New Member

    May 19, 2010
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    Nothing wrong with jumping straight into ladder-play so long as you've got a thick skin and can take some really bad losses.

    I jumped into Beta in May without any serious RTS-experience. Diving into multiplayer isn't really a smile-laugh kind of fun. It's more of a focused-serious-skill fun if that makes sense.

    Some players sandbag their 5 placement matches so they can tank to the bottom of Bronze league and curb-stomp new players on their way into silver-gold-platinum-diamond. You'll recognize it when you play a match where you get totally out-done in every aspect on the Score Screen and they have an 80% win ratio.

    The build orders when starting out tend to be really one-dimensional. You'll lose to proxies and rushes by "favored opponents" until you put in enough seat-time to be able to figure out how to spot it in time and how to counter it. Conversely, you might try to pattern your build order on someone else's and either fail to execute it properly and/or lose because the opponent simply massed one unit and you failed to scout it. It's one of those scenarios when starting out where you can roughly get a balanced army composition but lose to a fellow beginning player who has simply committed one specific build order to memory and knows how to run it to perfection for the first 10 minutes of gameplay.

    I would say that one way to lessen the steep learning curve of diving head-first into multiplayer is to find someone to play with for even a few matches straight. If I played against someone who had a good attitude and seemed to be of comparable skill level, I'd invite them to a friendly set of re-matches where we'd lay out some simple guidelines for testing purposes. It might be "no rushing" or "DT-rush me every game" or whatever. The benefit is that you get to step back from the utter-randomness of Bronze-Silver Quick Matches and establish some sort of a pattern in your play.

    This part is going to sound weird, but I would actually recommend NOT scouting and NOT watching your own replays when you're first starting out in multiplayer. Just sit down and play a bunch of games first. Even if you develop a large knowledge-base of the game prior to playing, you still won't know what you're scouting for or what your in-game flaws are. The time you spend microing around a scout and watching replays is time that you could be using improving your macro or just playing games.