id like to rant about how expensive gibson guitars are. they're great quality, but way overpriced. other great brands such as fender put out guitars that are the equal quality if not better, and cost soooo much less. for instance, the grabber II bass. awesome looking bass with some quality specs.... but over 3000$? i prefer my fender pbass special over it, and my bass costs 2500$ less. Also, the holy explorer. wow. what a piece of ****. "its the lightest gibson guitar!" WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU PUT HOLES IN A GUITAR??? and it costs for 2775$ dollars - for a guitar that looks more like swiss cheese. way to go gibson. feel free to critique me all you want, but gibson needs to realize that not everyone has an extra 2000$ for a bass that is worth 1/3 of the price, and nobody is going to spend that much money on a perforated guitar. they need to have some regular line guitars that are affordable, and i dont mean epiphone.
I'll stick with Guitar Hero which is way cheaper and brings many unforgettable happy hours to you and your friends!
I used to have a Gibson when i wanted to learn how to play the guitar, I loaned it to my bro and he broke it. He alter replaced it with a cheap one form walmart.
yeah gibsons are fricken expensive *venting* @)(#*$%@#&%_)#@*%)(@#*%@*#%_)@*#%)(*@#%*@#% )@*#%_)@#*%_)@#*%_)(@#*%^)(!*&%@$^*(#$&^_@#%(*#*$^ @(*#%&_@$&^(_*@$&%_)@#*%(@$#&^_#$&^_@#$%^@#$)(_ @#$&%_@$*^)(*#$&^_@(#&%(_*$&#^#@$^&%_(@#&*(%&)#@&^ (@&$#%)(*@#$%*()&^$(*&_@#&%_*@&#$%(#%)(&@#$(^&()@*&)^ *venting* yeah, i rather go for Ibanez or Yamaha or something....
There is no such thing as "overpriced" with a manufactured product, especially one in a genre that deals with an intangible "quality" requirement. Musical instruments tend to be very finnicky. I don't think you can truly compare the price of two different guitars. You can't say a Gibson is comparable to a Fender because their value is attached to their individual qualities, not their comparative qualities. The question isn't how much you are willing to pay for a guitar, but how much you're willing to pay for a Gibson. I, myself, have a Martin, so...
First off, I'm a bassist not a guitarist, but yeah. I've got an Epi, which is a cheaper Gibson. It's meh. However, I recently bought a midline Warwick, about a third of the price of most Gibsons, and I'm far happier with the sound quality, the timbre, and the overall tone than any of the Gibsons I tried, including the 3k SGB (Had to, just for thrillz). Gibsons may be overpriced at face value, but what's more iconic, a standard J-bass or a SG Bass? With Gibson, you pay as much for the 'Holy crap that guy's got a Les Paul' as you do for 'Holy crap that guitar sounds really good'